Keenon Williams

Customer service representative
South Africa

I started my journey as one of the first employees at our South Africa site. I took the site’s first call on July 19, 2023. This moment is one of my happiest memories within the company, as it marked the beginning of our site as a contact center and a place for growth. Since then, I can recall many moments that not only inspired me but also deepened my appreciation for our people, support teams, and the site in general. I care deeply for this site, as it has played a significant role in my development both professionally and personally. Witnessing the positive impact this company has had on me has led to many self-discoveries and a greater understanding of the industry.

Our Country Manager, Nita Morgan, has been instrumental in my journey at Foundever. Whether it was observing her leadership qualities or engaging with her to gain a clearer understanding of our company, she has guided me in identifying where I want to be within Foundever South Africa. She has led us through both great accomplishments and challenging obstacles, embodying what it means to be a true leader. Nita has worked tirelessly to provide resources that support not only individual growth but also the development of the site as a whole. I am currently part of the Talent+ Coach and Succession Program, and I have received exceptional support on my journey in this program. The individuals who have contributed to my growth are those I see daily, and witnessing them become better versions of themselves through proper support and guidance is always inspiring. Seeing my colleagues succeed is one of the greatest rewards, as I know I have played a role in their journey too.

My idea of #FoundeverLife is stepping into this building every day—not just for the amazing views, but for the people I get to work with, the personal journeys I have helped develop, and the positive impact I’ve made in their lives. I have also made close friends and colleagues along the way—truly amazing people who have taught me so much about myself and what it means to be part of Foundever South Africa. My journey continues, and I aim to achieve many more great things for myself and for this site. #FoundeverLife

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