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Bea Palatino

We asked some Women of Foundever what they love most about being one and what they choose to do to make the world more gender-equal — one where men and women get to achieve their dreams, unhampered by prejudice.

What do you love most about being a Woman of Foundever?

Being empowered and having equal opportunities and a voice that always stands out. These are just some of the many reasons why I love being a Woman of Foundever. In my almost two years of being a Kabarkada, being a woman in the workplace never hindered me from creating and making things happen.

What do you choose to do to make the world a more gender-equal place?

I choose to stand by what is good. No gender, no difference.Just focusing on what is good makes us a better human being and allows us to create a better world, one good act at a time.


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