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Carlos Samcam

12 years in the making – This is my #FoundeverLife story:

4/28/2008 – “Last few months of college, 3rd Call Center job because everyone needs a little bit of cash. This is a bilingual job so I get more money, why not? Once I am done, I will look for another job in my field (Business)”. This is probably the thought of many people who get into the Call Center or BPO world at a young age. I never imagined that I would be writing this 12 years later, miles away from my country, managing a Site in Cali, Colombia during a worldwide pandemic that is keeping us far away from each other yet, so close together. But that is indeed what life in our industry looks like. It is a world full of possibilities, chances, changes, and challenges that are presented to us every single day. Today as I celebrate 12 years of working in Foundever, I have 3 things I want to share with you about my journey and I would encourage you to share yours.

  • “The value of embracing change” – Since I joined, I have basically seen 3 companies, 3 CEOs, I have reported to 6 different leaders, 3 different areas, and multiple countries. This requires a lot of adjusting and adapting to the environment and the people around you. The thing with change is not changing who you are, just tweaking details that will help you thrive in the new environment. “The only thing that is constant is change”.
  • “Relationships Matter” – More than I thought in my early days. As a young manager, I was focused on KPIs and disregarded my relationship with the people behind the KPIs. As I was exposed to different leaders and stepped out of my comfort zone, I started to realize how important those soft skills were. You get much more value by starting with the person and not the KPI. “Working together is a daily value we live every single day”
  • “When you consider yourself a finished product you become obsolete” – This is as simple as to keep learning, develop yourself, and invest in yourself. Companies have incredible leadership and development platforms as well as development plans. However, the person walks the path of learning, not the company. This, in my opinion, is extended to our daily interactions, what can we learn from what is happening around us?

Before I close this out. I want to send my appreciation to everyone that has made a difference in my path. From the people I worked with in Nicaragua, the ones around the globe and now the team I belong to in Colombia. Foundever has not only been the place where I have learned, evolved (and continue to) personally and professionally but also has given me friends and family. I enjoy working for a company that has evolved to who we are today. We are stronger and better-rounded and that gives me the energy to keep giving my best. COVID-19 has presented a new challenge in our lives but the level of connection, communication, engagement, commitment and speed shown by our company around the globe has shown us that we are capable of accomplishing anything we set our minds to because social distancing does not mean social disconnection.

Stay safe, healthy and busy during these challenges times and don’t forget to take any chance you get to help others. Let’s continue to adapt to the “new normal” and get the best out of this experience!


In this unprecedented time, we’re highlighting #FoundeverHeroes to spark inspiration and positive conversation when we need it most. From adjusting to working from home, implementing social distancing measures in our sites and keeping up with the daily changes around the globe, we are celebrating stories of success, motivation, overcoming challenges and more. Visit and search hashtag #FoundeverHeroes.

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