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Gael Pacquelet

Hi, I am 43 years old and I am currently the Director of Operations in Foundever’s Clermont Ferrand site.

I joined site in 2013, after spending nearly 13 years with an outsourcing competitor and worked my way from customer advisor to account manager. So with Foundever, I continue this career within the group and what immediately marked me when I arrived at the site of Romainville was the strength of the group composed of the historical profession and also the group’s subsidiaries (experts). It was really differentiating at the time, and it still is!

The second differentiator of Foundever is the closeness, collaboration and the state of mind that the founders transpire in the group’s DNA and genes of the now-international group. MAX is yet another example of this, a project that I strongly believe in and that is fully in the air of the time and generations we face.

By my function and my spirit, I strive to convey these values, for those who have not had the chance to meet the founders like me. I’m trying to be inspiring and demonstrate that you always get into this business by chance but you always have the chance to be bigger and grow!

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