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Kateryn G.

Kateryn G.

My name is Kateryn. I’ve been working at Foundever for two years now. First, I started as a technical support agent and I took calls for nine months. During that time, I fell in love with Foundever, I knew I wanted to grow within the company and develop my professional skills.

What took me to that decision was the culture of our company, I felt part of a big family and that was the most rewarding feeling ever. Foundever is an incredible place to be YOU, to be real, to show yourself exactly how you really are.

We don’t criticize, we do not stereotype people, we just respect us as humans, as friends, as co-workers. We see every day, so many styles, so many beliefs that we respect because that’s what we are: BOLD, TRUSTWORTHY, WOW and a TEAM that goes in the same direction to reach the same goal.

That’s what I love about working here and my job makes me proud every single day of this present moment.


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