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Marcelo Enriquez


At EmpowerCX 2019, our annual customer experience (CX) event, we recognized and celebrated three Foundever associates who are enhancing CX – one experience at a time. This is their story:

Marcelo originally came on board as part of a temporary campaign but was inspired by Foundever’s diverse and positive environment to make a career out of customer service. The flexibility and friendly people also played into this decision. While he admits the job has been challenging at times (coming from a different industry), being in this customer service role has really made Marcelo believe this is what he was meant to do! And has felt comfortable from the moment he joined the team.

Treating customers the same way you want to be treated is a lesson he learned from his father as a young child. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and being empathetic goes a long way and makes both parties get along quite well.

Time with the company: 6 months

Position: Customer Service Associate in San Pedro, Mexico

Q: What do you love about Foundever?

A: It is a good company to work for; its employees are recognized for their efforts and with plenty of room to grow. It is also a motivator that whenever positions open, they look inside the company first, before looking for candidates on the outside.

Q: Takeaways from EmpowerCX?

A: It opened my eyes to the actual scope of Foundever as a company, with operations in many countries and providing services to a wide variety of companies. Also, it was very encouraging to see that a lot of the people now working on the administrative side of Foundever, actually started out as agents. The various talks given were also quite interesting and relevant. From integrating people from different generations working together, to utilizing technology in our favor to make more human connections.

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