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Mario Alberto Solorzano Tercero

This is my second stage at the company. The first time I came here was my first formal call center experience. When I arrived for the first time, I was shocked about everything I was offered, although I was not able to develop as I would like to mainly because of family issues. Despite all this, I knew that Foundever was the place to be for different reasons; one of these is clearly the fact that the benefits aren’t in anyway compared to Foundever’s and the job stability Foundever offers is unmeasurable, food benefit and all activities that are available for all associates, support staff and management. When I left, I was not able to come back immediately due to the situation on the country back in 2018, and I had to look for different offers and I was able to arrive to a call center that the only thing that helped me with is to realize how much I was missing Foundever, when I was no longer employee at that place I was struggling to get a job and I decided to try Foundever again, and I was able to be back at the place I am comfortable with, and since then I have been able to take advantage to the opportunities I am getting, growing and learning to be a leader and this is the place where I wanted to make it happen

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