Camila Solano
Hi, my name is Camila Solano
I started my journey within Foundever back in 2018, this was the very first job I applied for after I finished my university career, I was selected to be part of the FLIP program, 3 months later I got hired for a campaign and while this was happening we were facing a very difficult political situation in Nicaragua. Nevertheless, I remember that Foundever provided me with all the necessary tools and benefits that I used in order to get to work and make it a fun and healthy environment especially under the hard circumstances we were going through at that time. I spend the first 2 years as customer service representative where I gained a lot experience about the industry and the way it works, then I became an escalations associate and a year after I got the Coach Track trainee position, which I’m currently managing. That’s the real proof that Foundever gives great opportunities for associates and that it’s culture is indeed accurate (PEOPLE FIRST)
I truly believe that I can be a MAX Insider since I know the power of my voice and the great impact it can create in other associates by talking through my experience, in a way that people feel inspired to believe in themselves and make them achieve all their goals within the company. My everyday main goal is to boost team work and the work together culture, especially with my agents in a way that if they require a fun a healthy environment I can create it for them, the same way I was given it when I started in the company. I truly believe that joy is one of the things I adore the most, there is no day I could spend without smiling and make everyone smile as well. People wellness is one of the things I put first in my agenda. As a Max Insider one of the things I’m aiming the most to do is improving things people desire the most and help them to make their dreams come true within the company.
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