Hamza Sezgin
Just a day after I heard about the first case of COVID-19 in Germany, my local HR Manager told me to get ready to get into Work from Home in the next few days.
At first, I thought, that’s good, I’ll save the time I spent commuting and have more time for my partner and our cats. While this is true, I also learned that I quite enjoyed my commute and started to miss it.
I always had the same ritual after leaving my house: get a coffee from my next-door bakery, hop into the subway, read a book/the news, arrive at the office. Now I spend the first half-hour of my day, brewing a cup of coffee, and drinking it while checking the news.
The second thing I really learned while working from home, is how much better the work in the office was, just because you see a few faces in the elevator or the kitchen when getting coffee/lunch.
I’m really happy to be given the opportunity to keep doing my job from home. Thank you to all the colleagues who I have calls with on a daily and weekly basis. They give me a feeling of belonging and being part of a big family. The Foundever family.
In this unprecedented time, we’re highlighting #FoundeverHeroes to spark inspiration and positive conversation when we need it most. From adjusting to working from home, implementing social distancing measures in our sites and keeping up with the daily changes around the globe, we are celebrating stories of success, motivation, overcoming challenges and more. Visit storiesfndvr.wpengine.com and search hashtag #FoundeverHeroes.
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