Leo del Castillo
I share a rich history with the company. I bore witness to many good things and have overcome major obstacles as part of the greater collective. I have not experienced anything remotely close to what is happening right now.
During this time, I have had some reminders: to continuously prove to myself that I am a leader, to contribute to the greater good, to be grateful, to check my privilege, to exercise empathy, among other things.
I am very pleased to discover that many others have done the same and then some. Because of this, I continue to see the good in every day. Knowing that you are out there, willing to help each other, especially in these times, just makes it better. Indeed, Bayanihan for the modern times at its finest.
With this, I would like to say my sincerest #SalamatBarkada to all our #FoundeverHeroes, especially those from and/or supporting Baguio. As the great Maya Angelou once said: “There’s nothing greater than ‘thank you.’ It’s what you say to God, it’s ‘thank you.'”
In this unprecedented time, we’re highlighting #FoundeverHeroes to spark inspiration and positive conversation when we need it most. From adjusting to working from home, implementing social distancing measures in our sites and keeping up with the daily changes around the globe, we are celebrating stories of success, motivation, overcoming challenges and more. Visit storiesfndvr.wpengine.com and search hashtag #FoundeverHeroes.
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