Louie Andrew Mercado
Celebrating Mother’s Day in the office is normal for BPO mommies. But celebrating it at the office knowing that you can’t go home to be with your kids and your family after is commitment! Salute to all in-center hero moms who are (sacrificing time with their) families to helping us provide a game-changing experience to our consumers and to continue the business in the new normal!
Happy Mother’s Day, cool fighters! #SalamatBarkada
In this unprecedented time, we’re highlighting #FoundeverHeroes to spark inspiration and positive conversation when we need it most. From adjusting to working from home, implementing social distancing measures in our sites and keeping up with the daily changes around the globe, we are celebrating stories of success, motivation, overcoming challenges and more. Visit storiesfndvr.wpengine.com and search hashtag #FoundeverHeroes.
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