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Sandra Mendes

My journey at Foundever started one day in 2016. I was sitting in the reception, waiting for my interview. I was super nervous, but also very surprised with all the joy and friendship between the coworkers. I immediately understood that it was the place to be!

I began as an intern for the Learning Department for 9 months, and I learned so much! I was always so excited to go to work, which is quite unusual, right? But Foundever became my family, and I was super grateful when they offered me the Learning Specialist role after my internship.

Foundever gave me the opportunity to travel and implement 2 french projects; it was certainly challenging and rewarding because, after one year of being a Learning Specialist, I received a new opportunity: Learning Manager!

It was not an easy decision for me, becoming a Learning Manager with only 27 years old and almost 2 years of experience plus moving from Porto to Lisbon, it was very intimidating. But I accepted the challenge, and don’t regret it.

My family just grew, and it’s been over one year that I’ve been in Lisbon.

This is why I am very proud to be part of Foundever and a Max Insider because I had the chance to grow as a professional but also as a human being. And I guess this is what a family does: it supports and encourages you to constantly challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone.

Thank you Foundever, I cannot wait to see what the future will bring!

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