Simona Rusoiu


The second part #FoundeverWorkAtHome ✌️#FoundeverHeroes

For me is a new challenge because being out of the office means you are solely responsible for implementing, maintaining the work rhythm, discipline and get into a new mindset.

I would like to say my sincerest #FoundeverThankYou for letting me work from home. In this COVID-19 context, with the strong support of Foundever, we all manage successfully and effectively the situation.

What I like the most is that everyone has the flexibility to build pauses into the day; to have regular calls or chat with the coworkers; listening music if not on a call and often fresh air on the balcony
It’s a new great experience in my life!
Stay Well everyone

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In this unprecedented time, we’re highlighting #FoundeverHeroes to spark inspiration and positive conversation when we need it most. From adjusting to working from home, implementing social distancing measures in our sites and keeping up with the daily changes around the globe, we are  celebrating stories of success, motivation, overcoming challenges and more. Visit and search hashtag #FoundeverHeroes.

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