Omar Francisco Ortega Mercado
Hi Everybody,
This is Omar Ortega I wanted to share with you my great experience I’ve been having, It all started back on November 13th when I decided to apply to get a job in this great company After 3 hours I sent my documentation I got contacted by recruitment I had many interviews I have to recognize I was nervous, afraid because of the interview however when interacting with my recruiter I didn’t even notice I was having an interview it was a normal conversation after that I heard one of the biggest phrase I’ve ever had in my life ” I would like you to be with us in our FLIP”
I got so excited immediately I said YES I want to be there next I sent the required information about me, on November 25th when I had the opportunity to be part of FLIP by being in this program I was constantly enhancing my English skills with my trainer, this helped me out in a fantastic way to improve my English communication skills by doing a lot of activities while taking my training. Later on I had the privilege to get hired by the amazing campaign I’m currently working for. It’s been 6 months since I started to be a customer service representative. I’ve learned a lot of things by doing my job, I’m really glad to say that Foundever has provided me all the opportunities I needed that’s something I’m grateful for. Up to this point my experience has caused a positive impact in my life I realized this is the place I want to be at! There are a lot of opportunities to grow within this incredible company.
Go where you want to grow
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