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Rita Chelo Gonçalves


Hi everyone!

My story within Foundever is how a complete strange company in an area of business that was not in my plans, can become your family and support you in the good and in the bad!

This is only a short period of my life, but I will open up to you all a little bit for you to read my story: my mom is my guardian angel, she died when I was 11 years old but since then I always felt her beside me giving me the strength to be brave and keep on fighting for life!

So I started as an agent in Foundever in 2015, married with 2 kids, one little girl of 10 and my baby boy of 5… Looking to turn a new leaf and find a new adventure!

I started up in the first training wave of new project and soon after I became a Team Manager. Everything was new to all, we had each other back, we help each other grow… We became a true family like I never had in a work environment before.

Almost 3 years later we learned that all of this was going away as our campaign/project was ending… And as if that weren’t enough, my father passed away a month later…

It was a very hard patch for me personally and professionally as I felt both my worlds were coming down… I didn’t believe I would never again have the same feeling at work as I had in that first project!

Guys… I couldn’t be more wrong!!

I got invited to launch another new project, I got really excited about it, but I soon realized that I wasn’t ready for it… I’m a true perfectionist and I hate to leave things half done and being honest to myself at that moment, I just couldn’t do it… I had to refuse…

I was really lost, afraid of not finding a solution and a position for me… And on the back of my mind, I was kind of demotivated as I thought I could never build that “family” again…

A position opened up to a project that I never heard before, I had to motivate myself and be opened to meet a whole new team and trying to push myself to be positive… It has already been 2 years!!

I’m so proud of my new “family” and to help them grown every day! To assist the customers of the brand we proudly represent! Having a positive influence on my team’s performance, quality, life, personal and professional growth… That makes me truly happy at work!

In the end, Foundever was there for me on the good moments and the bad moments. They found solutions for me even when I couldn’t find it for myself.

I’ve been a part of many internal projects and I fully dedicate myself to every one of them. I love to learn new things and I trust that Foundever truly values their people and motivates their growth! And I’m proof of it. ❤

When in doubt, trust that change will always be positive! Even if just to understand where you don’t want to be!

Be BOLD and DARE to change your life too! I’m sure you’ll always find all the support you need at our HOME: Foundever.

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