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Simona Rusoiu

Greetings from Foundever Sofia, Bulgaria ๐Ÿ™‚

My name is Simona and originally, I’m from Romania. I have been working for Foundever since 2008.

Foundever appeared in my life in a delicate period for me. Despite my health problems, Foundever’s managers were very supportive of my husband and me. I’m so thankful. Also, my son, Alex. Now he is in 1st grade in primary school. It’s true that at Foundever, you can achieve and keep a work-life balance. After so many years, I know that Foundever Sofia management leads in this way and cares for the well-being of employees. I like that at Foundever everyone is treated with tolerance and respect; different people from different cultures; enjoyable activities, challenges, learning new things. Foundever is oriented pro-sociality and the atmosphere is friendly.

I feel that I’m part of an extended family <3 Thanks, Foundever! #FoundeverLife #FoundeverBulgaria

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