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Virginia Ellis


I came to Foundever 17 years ago because my sister, Joann, told me to move from Pennsylvania to Norman, OK and I could work with her at the call center. I had never worked in a call center so I was concerned since I had only worked in the restaurant industry. I started out as an agent in Terri Hooper’s classroom and asked lots of questions. I wanted to know the ins and outs of my job functions as well as how would the customers be over the phone. I was used to customers getting upset face to face but what would I have to deal with over the phone. Terri put my worries at ease once we got to go out and listen to phone calls, I still remember on Day 3 of my training I sat with an agent, Eric, listened to how he had taken phone calls, he provided advice for how to speak with the customers and his feedback put me more at ease when I went back into the classroom. In Transition, that same agent, Eric, was a mentor and I still remember getting monitored by him then him going back to my trainer, Terri, then coming back again to provide me with his feedback. I had received 100% on my side by side, he was surprised that I hadn’t missed anything technical and was proud of my interaction with the customer. I was so proud of myself that I asked my trainer if I could listen to it. Then that was the day I realized on October 3, 2002 that I sounded like a little kid over the telephone. I am so thankful for all of the feedback I received early on by all of the trainers, mentors, and Coaches because I know that helped me to do my job and do it well. I moved into Mentor within 3 months, then many different positions during my first 2 years. After my 2 year mark I wanted to move up and help new hires so I applied for the Learning Specialist position. I didn’t get it so I went back to apply myself even harder because I knew that when that opportunity came back again I wanted to make sure I was ready. I applied 3 months later for the LS posting and I was selected as a Trainer in Training. I knew that I could help all of the applicants coming into the doors and I had been given a chance. I worked in the Training dept. for 10 years and then applied for the Learning Manager position in October 2014. I was selected and have been the acting Learning Manager here in Norman for the past 5 years! I enjoy my job and get to work with the most wonderful people. I also enjoy traveling to other sites to assist with Learning and Development. Teamwork makes the Dreamwork. Also working here at Foundever I didn’t know I was going to meet the man I was supposed to marry those 17 years ago on my 3rd day of training. He then would be my mentor in Transition as well. We have been together for the past 17 years and married 13 years. We have 3 beautiful children together. I thank Foundever for hiring me and allowing me to do what I love each and every day.

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