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Paola C.

Paola C.

Hi, I’m Paola, HR Specialist at Foundever Colombia in Cali. I’m 23 years old and I started my career at Foundever back in 2018. I’m currently studying Law and Political Science and back then, I was looking for a job because I needed money for my student expenses. I heard about Foundever because a friend had applied and told me how great of a company it was, so I decided to apply.

I was recruited into a financial campaign. In the beginning, I thought that it would be a temporary job, but after a few months in the company, I started to see the possibility of growth and how I could make my way to perform an important role in the company. After being an agent for a couple of months, I really wanted to be part of the QA team. I applied to an opening, but I didn’t get the position. However, after around a year and two months of working with Foundever, there was an opening in HR and it really caught my attention, so I applied and I got the position, being now HR Specialist. Never would I imagine being part of the HR team but I couldn’t be happier, I really feel like it was meant to be.

This is a wonderful experience full of learnings, empowerment, leadership and responsibility. It’s a growth point in a personal and professional aspect. Also, it fills you with joy to know that you are making people happy and that you are letting everybody that works with us know that we care about them and their wellbeing.

I feel proud, blessed and lucky to have the support and the inspiration from my peers. I feel like I’m not working for personal interest. On the contrary, I feel like I’m working with a family to make each other happy. What I love about Foundever is that we work together for a common purpose and that has truly impacted my life because it has taught me the importance of teamwork and how far we can get by working that way.


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