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Luisa Talavera


Hi, I am Luisa and this is my story. It was 2009, I was 24, an architecture student and I…

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Neha Singh


My name is Neha, I joined Foundever Gurgaon in January 2018 as a Recruiter and so far, it's about great…

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Marie Faget


Je m’appelle Marie, je suis en charge du recrutement au sein du site de La Rochelle (France). A ce titre,…

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Jolina Sara Laguardia


With Foundever, I have learned that there is no straight definition of a woman. Whether you're a parent who chooses…

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Camille Joy Alvarade


Working Student Story. Sacrifice comes before success! Hi, I’m CJ! A student in the morning, IT in the evening. I…

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Natalie Úbeda


Hello, my name is Natalie Ubeda and this is my story: I started at Foundever in 2015 when I was…

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Brittany Heard


I started as an agent on the phones at the Ocala site on September 9th, 2013. I never thought I…

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Christine Parent


Pour des raisons de santé j 'ai dû changer de métier. Comme j'aimais le contact avec les personnes, et rendre…

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Johana Mendoza


Hello, my name is Johana Mendoza. I am twenty-six years old and I started working at Foundever when I was…

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Grace Lopez


My mom went through an unfortunate event, she lost her balance and fell, because of that she had to undergo…

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Julie Bullock


My name is Julie Bullock, and I am the Head of WFM for the UK and Ireland. My Foundever journey…

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Delfa Noguera Zuñiga


I’m Delfa, and I started working at Foundever Nicaragua in November 2017 as a Customer Service Representative. This job has…

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