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Marko Bildat


I am Marko Bildat, SD of the Berlin site! As Site Director, it's an important task to find the balance…

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Adel Kayani


My name is Adel Kayani, I've been working at Foundever in the United Kingdom (Kingston) for almost 5 years. When…

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Abla El Ktafi


Durant cette crise du COVID19, j’avais le choix entre le télétravail et le travail sur site. Mais j’ai choisi de…

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Manuela Zimmermann


My name is Manuela Zimmermann I've been part of the Foundever family for many years and work as a "Workforcer"…

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Ian Burn


When I applied to Foundever for a job over a year and a bit ago I was not expecting much…

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Carlos Hondal


The World is changing before our eyes As we move through our new shelter at home universe, I can’t help…

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Nicole Scherz


I'm still at the site and I'm experiencing "the decline" every day... Fewer and fewer colleagues come here, because they…

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Matthias Sackwitz


Hello, my name is Matthias and after 14 years with Foundever, I have seen, experienced and worked with many, almost…

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Si on m’avait dit il y‘a quelques temps, que je prendrai à nouveau ma plume pour écrire ce nouveau quotidien,…

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Susann Lange


Mein Name ist Susi und meine Geschichte bei Foundever begann 2008. Ich suchte nach einer neuen Herausforderung und wurde von…

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Fadwa M’hammedi Alaoui


Si l’épidémie actuelle Covid-19 inquiète bon nombre d'entre nous, il existe bien quelques raisons qui laissent place à l’optimisme. Entre…

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Chaimâ Mhammedi Alaoui


J'ai beaucoup apprécié la diligence et la conscience professionnelle avec laquelle ma société à agit durant la période du COVID-19.…

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