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Markus Burghaus


Hi, ich bin Markus Burghaus und habe Foundever das erste mal 2007 in Krefeld als Agent im Telekommunikationsbereich kennengelernt. Hier…

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Michelle Aguilar


Hi Foundever family!!! I am Michelle Aguilar. My name was derived from a hit song of one of the most…

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Ignacy S.


February 2016, after 3 years of travels, moving from one place to another, I finally found my way back home,…

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April Tumapang


In 2010, I was in my final year of college doing my Bachelor in Secondary Education when I learned about…

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Damien Rivot


Hi, My name is Damien, and I'm 34 years old. After eight years of working in the customer service industry…

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Marie Boile


Il y a 9 ans tout pile j’intégre Foundever avec l ouverture du Site de Cournon. Je débute sur un…

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George Pinzon


Hello there! Let's start with a fun fact: my real name is Jorge, but everyone calls me George, and I…

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Mireia Guix Boix


Hey there! My name is Mireia, and I'm 27 years old. I'm from a city near Barcelona, Spain, but I…

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Jess Moore


Hi, my name is Jess, and my story begins back in 2013 when I moved to Kentucky after getting married.…

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Joanna Pszczółkowska


I joined Foundever in 2009, and a few months ago, I celebrated my 10th anniversary! Wow! Back then, I didn't…

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Carmen Carmona Espín


Mi historia en Foundever comenzó hace 13 años, no tenía aún 30 años y venía del mundo de los emprendedores.…

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Dennis Hoffmann


Hey Team, I am Dennis from Germany and I do work for the german finance Team in our Site in…

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