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Alan Denton


My history with Foundever started back in 2001. The company I worked for back in New Zealand needed Contact Center…

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Stéphane Grosclaude


Bonjour à tous les Insiders... Je veux simplement via ce message, témoigner toute ma gratitude et mon respect pour Foundever.…

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Darren Dale Domilos Antalan


From My Family To Foundever, We Will Forever Be Grateful! Foundever Magic Works: Ang Alamat Ng “Why Foundever” It was…

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Duval Virginie


Je suis arrivée en 2015 au sein de Foundever et j'ai débuté sur l'activité en tant que Spécialiste Café. Depuis,…

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Vandaele Isabelle


Bonjour, Je me présente Isabelle 40 ans. Je suis arrivée chez Acticall en 2017, pour essentiellement du back office. Je…

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J'ai intégré la société en 2007 sous Vitalicom. J'ai connu acticall et maintenant Foundever. J'u pu durant ces années faire…

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James Lipscombe


I have worked in the service sector for 15 years. At 18, I started my first job, working in a…

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Julien Pazzaia


Bonjour à tous, 11 ans ! 11 ans ! 11 ans !!!! Et j'en suis environ à 1/4 de mon…

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Abdennaim Ricouch


Hello everyone, I started working at Foundever in 2011. I work in the M2M technical support team. Throughout this time,…

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Genebeth Balao-in


"You can see her struggle, but you never see her quit." One compliment I will never forget. A year ago,…

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Isabel Costa


My first call center experience was at Foundever. It has been like a roller coaster...Working in customer service can be…

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Marianna Gruźlewska


I'm Marianna, but everybody calls me Maya 🙂 Currently, I'm 25 years old and I live in Warsaw, Poland. I…

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