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Alijun Delliro

It feels like traveling back in time being a member of LGBTQIA+ which seems like a huge milestone in my twenty-five years of existence has been full of ups and downs. There were memories that still sometimes give me a…

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Ryan Jay Briones

Being a member of LGBTQIA+ makes me happy while working in Foundever because I have never encountered any discrimination within my two years of working here. I am so glad that I am being respected and treated equally in our…

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Pat Haluag

I was once told by an ex-boss at a different company that I cannot be promoted because I am flamboyant. Honestly, during that time, I did not know what flamboyant meant and I had to look it up on the…

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PeeJhay Manzano

Ever since I worked in the BPO industry, I find it welcoming and at the same time challenging especially when you trying to get out of your comfort zone and accept bigger opportunities. I at times feel the laughing stock…

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