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Leia suas histórias.

Since joining Foundever in June 2023, I have been so excited, and anticipate the start of a remarkable journey. The experience thus far has been nothing short of transformative, setting my career on an ascending…

Hello everyone, I'm "LA”. I ventured into the professional world with an engineering vocational degree in 2015 and started as an IT assistant for a local brand and a travel magazine. My BPO journey began…

Greetings, I am Angelika Mahinay of Project River BAG. I would like to share my story to inspire others to be grateful and to always do your best. I am proud of my humble beginnings…

I started in Nov 2023. I started as a Customer Service agent but now I'm currently as resolutions agent. Growth is possible as long as you wiling to work hard for it. I managed to…

I've been a dedicated part of the Foundever team since stepping on board during the tumultuous times of August 2020, starting from the very beginning with Wave 0 of a new project. My journey has…

I embarked on my journey with Foundever in August 2023, and I must admit, there was a flutter of nerves about starting this new chapter, especially as the sole financial provider for my family. Now,…

Greetings, I am Jennifer Gonzales, and I have proudly been a part of the ONE Foundever family for four years. Allow me to share my story. Before joining this company, my life was filled with…

My Foundever Journey Began in 2019: From Radio Waves to Global Voice Connections. Every journey has a starting point, and mine began at ONE Foundever TLC. Transitioning from manipulating radio signals as a Sr. Technician…

My name is Cath, and I've had the privilege of being part of the ONE Foundever family for the past eight months. The project I work has not only supported my personal journey but also…

Hi Everyone! I'm Eileen, and I've been with Foundever for nearly three years. I'm thrilled to share with you the amazing opportunities I've experienced during my time here. Working with Foundever has been truly rewarding,…

My name is Sarah. I am half Italian and half Brazilian. I was born in Brazil but have lived in Italy for most of my life. I have a degree in International Trade and I am currently pursuing a Master’s in Project Management. I have always been an optimist, seeing the bright side of every situation and making the best of what I have. Unlike most little girls, I never dreamed of having children and getting married; instead, I aspired to be a career woman—independent and in a job that I love. I preferred books over toys, enjoyed studying, and would not settle for a grade lower than 8. My happiest moments involved a book, a cup of tea, and a cat. I started working very early. At 15, I took my first job as a waitress. My parents never had to tell me how and what I should do; I always felt the need to earn my own money. One of the most enjoyable jobs I’ve had was as a diving instructor—I am licensed to dive up to 18 meters. I have worked as a tour guide, babysitter, dog sitter, waitress, and event organizer, but I discovered my true passion when I turned 21 and took over a pub. From that moment on, I realized that people were my driving force. I wanted to interact with them every day, share my knowledge, and learn new things from them. Since then, I have always sought positions as a Team Manager, Manager, Coordinator, and Supervisor, but I had never found my place in the world. I knew what I wanted to do but didn’t know where. Between Italy and Brazil, I was searching for an answer, but I firmly believe that everything has its time and happens when it’s supposed to... That’s when I arrived in Lisbon. I must say that there is no set timeline for things. We are never too old, underqualified, ugly, or beautiful—it doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you want to do; everyone simply has their own time to discover themselves and, as in my case, where they want to live. I found it at 33 years old. I work for a Game project at Foundever (being a video game fan helps a lot!). I started as an agent in 2022, and after a year, I became a…

Hola! I'm Peter Julius, originally from Denmark, but I have been living in Torremolinos, near Malaga, Spain, for the past 12 years. I joined Foundever in February 2023, and I think it is an amazing place to work with great colleagues! I live here with my two beautiful cats, Beyoncé and Rihanna ♥♥. In my spare time, I work as a hypnotherapist, helping people with mental issues and addictions. I find it very interesting how the mind works and enjoy helping people feel better about themselves at the same time. Spain

Olá, eu sou Yefrine, mas os meus amigos chamam-me carinhosamente de Yefas . Sou da Guiné-Bissau na costa ocidental da Africa. Quando cheguei a Portugal em pouco tempo tive o privilégio de começar a trabalhar…

Je suis un responsable des projets clients en France et je travaille au Portugal chez Foundever, ce qui m'a donné cette merveilleuse opportunité de grandir en tant que professionnel et en tant que personne. Je suis reconnaissant de faire partie de cette formidable équipe tout en apprenant à devenir un meilleur être humain. Je me réveille toujours heureux en sachant que j'ai pu aider les utilisateurs avec toutes les compétences que j'ai acquises chez Foundever. Portugal

Olá, eu sou a Ana, tenho 37 anos, sou licenciada em Engenharia Alimentar e Enfermagem, sou mãe de duas meninas de 4 e 1 ano de idade e sou casada com o Ricardo. Comecei a…

I'm Venezuelan, born and raised by a multicultural family from Germany, Spain, Argentina, and Italy. Perhaps that's why I love Knödeln, pasta, paella, and parrilla. I moved from Venezuela to Ireland in 2015, lived there for a year, and then moved to Germany for almost two years. After that, I moved to Spain, where I have been for the last six years. Being a chef by profession, I started working in a bar in Hortaleza, where I began to learn more about Spanish culture. I worked there for a year, then moved to a restaurant. In February 2020, I started working at Federal Cafe, a well-known cafe famous for its brunches. I began as a kitchen steward and gradually worked my way up to Sous Chef. In 2023, looking for a change of pace, I applied for the Cosentino campaign here at Foundever. I got the job, and my life suddenly took a 180-degree turn. Working in the kitchen represents not only physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion but also irregular days off, which makes having a social life quite challenging. Working at Foundever has been great. I have a wonderful boss and fantastic coworkers who are always willing to help, and the work environment is peaceful compared to a kitchen. I look forward to staying here as long as I'm wanted. For now, it seems like it's going to be a long time. Spain

I've been a Customer Service Associate with Foundever for a year and four months. Despite initially aiming for a college degree, life steered me toward a different path of personal and professional growth outside of college. This journey has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Joining the company during a challenging period was a blessing in disguise. My coach and teammates have become a treasured family, providing unwavering support and embracing me as one of their own. I find it hard to imagine another company so committed to nurturing their agents' development and demonstrating such understanding. Being part of this family empowers me, boosts my confidence, and fuels my ambition. I'm excited about my continued growth and aspire to become a coach myself one day. Philippines

I started as an agent way back in 2019 in March. At that time I enjoyed everything because the account, mainly our process, are easy, not unlike with the previous company I worked for. During…

I have always been trying to get into BPO companies, but I thought I was a failure. However, everything changed and prospered when I found Foundever. I made the right decision to join this company.…

Je suis présent dans l'entreprise depuis 2 ans. Et ce que j'ai appris, c'est qu'une telle grande entreprise ne laisse jamais tomber ses employés car elle trouve toujours une solution pour les soutenir. C'est une…

I began my journey as an agent with Sykes, and I entered with the mindset that I wouldn't be a CSR for long. Three months later, I was promoted to an OJT Coach for approximately…

I have been with the company since 2018, then suddenly the campaign that I was with was dissolved during the pandemic (COVID), but this company never left us behind. They did their best to support…

Bonjour Je suis Loetitia, j’ai rejoint Foundever en mars 2023. Vous vouliez savoir si nous avions une belle histoire sur l’alphabétisation et l’éducation et bien voici la mienne. Parcours professionnel atypique. Je me suis engagée…

I have been with the company for almost 2 years now. The people that I have met in my program, in a virtual environment, have been more supportive of me over the internet than when…

I have recently joined Foundever in the month of February as a communication coach. My experience has been amazing with all the tasks and challenges. People are just great—friendly and helpful here. I have made…

It's a pleasure to be part of this amazing team. Mexico

My story with Foundever is relatively short, and I was really surprised by the people I was meeting at the time. I had never felt so welcomed and accepted in the workplace. I'm grateful to…

I started working in December last year, initially as an advocate for messaging Three months later, I became a team lead. The work environment has always been welcoming and friendly to everyone, regardless of where…

The most influential people that I knew were a group of leaders I worked with when I was on a reservation account. I learned the principles of being agile, being data-oriented, documenting everything, and, most…

Hi. This is Hermes Quijano Jr. They call me Hermes. I started at Foundever way back in 2015 as a Customer Service Representative. I indulge in a lot of fun stuff. I am a certified…

When I joined Foundever on November 30th, 2015, and read the contract that emphasized the importance of mutual RESPECT among all employees and prohibited any form of discrimination, I felt a sense of security. I…

Nesse mês do orgulho, me sinto orgulhoso em dividir com vocês a minha história na Foundever. 😊 Iniciei minha jornada aqui em 2011, há 12 anos atrás. Confesso que houve sim uma insegurança no início...…

Foundever is a new opportunity to start from scratch. My life has undergone significant changes in the past year, and now it's time for me to re-enter the workforce. I am truly excited about this…

Working in a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) presents its own set of challenges, but being a transwoman adds an extra layer of difficulty. Each day, I find myself having to prove my worth to others,…

Hi, my name is Lisa Fraser. I have been fortunate to be a part of several acquisition changes during my almost 6 years of employment. Firstly, my journey started with Alpine Access, which later became…

"I started my job with foundever June of 22 and have loved working for this company. As a trans woman i have found it hard with people understanding, but working here everyone has been so…

It's been a month now and counting since I became part of the company. Even though I'm just new, everyone treated me like a long-time colleague where everyone is fair. Therefore, this is already enough…

I'm always supported at work. I've been working in this great company for almost 4 years, and since the beginning, I felt welcomed and accepted by everyone. I've made incredible friends here. I grew up…

For 12 years, I didn't know if I'd be able to work again, due to health issues. I was always skeptical of "work-at-home" jobs. As time went on, I felt myself withering away. I lost…

Hi, my name is Ebenezer, but a lot of my friends call me Bheng. I'm one of the associates at Foundever Manila (WCC) and currently working in a financial account. I want to share my…

I have been dealing with social anxiety for a long time due to my asperger syndrome, it has been really difficult for me to make friends and build relationships , but, working here, I have…

I was so happy when I received an offer to work at Foundever because a couple of months ago I was self-employed and struggling with a lack of motivation and organization. Now, I've been working…

It is hard not to get emotional when I think about my journey and how far the workforce and the world have progressed and continue to strive for a more inclusive and accepting society. Having…

Once upon a time, a young lady was dreaming about a professional environment along with a warm, friendly atmosphere. This dream was barely impossible during the Covid pandemic. But wait a minute! The impossible does…

My name is Antonio Perez, and I've been working at Foundever for a bit over 2 years. I've always felt respected, included, and noticed. I was given the opportunity to become a Learning Specialist, and…

I started working for Foundever about 5 and a half years ago; I started as an CSE Agent. My coach was very supportive as I showed very early my eagerness and desire to grow within…

Hi, I'm John Carlos Regulacion, but you can call me JC or ARCIE. I would like to share my personal story as a member of the LGBTQIA++ community with you. Let's start with the year…

Pride for me is stepping out of my comfort zone to break barriers in the hope that future generations do not have to fight so hard to be welcomed. As a young teen, being a…

Hi everyone, my name is Marine and I have been working for Foundever for 4 years. Foundever gave me the chance to go to Rabat with my OM and meet an incredible team during some…

¿Cómo facilita tu crecimiento Foundever? Foundever es una red que te permite expandirte de maneras asombrosas. Siempre hay propuestas interesantes que contribuyen a que aprenda acerca de temas globales. ¿Cuál fue tu momento más feliz…

Hi, I am JC, I am 54 y/o and have been working with Foundever for 15 years. Last Friday, I got an email congratulating me for the years worked here and a token of appreciation.…

Hola, mi historia en Foundever es de reencuentro con una profesión que abandoné en 2016 para emprender un camino en el mundo de las terapias naturales y el coaching. En 2019 me diagnosticaron cáncer y…

I started working for this company 2 and a half years ago, as a customer service representative. After around a year of taking calls I applied for this position as a Language Specialist, which I…

I have 5 years of working with Foundever and 4 years ago I met 3 amazing girls, since then we felt an incredible connection ! We all four have different personalities, families, obligations, etc. We…

Meu nome é Camila Zangaro, estou na Foundever há 03 meses, mas parece que estou há 10 anos, que empresa maravilhosa, meu Deus! Nesse período já participei de ações internas de Engage e estou amando.…

My name is Stephanie Howard, and I am thirty years of age, I am a mother of two boys who I deeply love and care for and I am also married to the love of…

It's been a month since I was hired as a Costumer Service Agent and I had experienced different challenges with my colleagues, but despite that, I'm thankful to part of it. I learned new things…

I started as an agent way back in 2019 in March, at that time I enjoyed everything because the account, mainly our process are easy. During our training every time they asked me what I…

I joined the Escalation team recently after a year of being an associate at Foundever. One thing that impresses me the most is the attitude of my teammates. I enjoy and look forward to showing…

I was a homemaker and a mother of four, but the situation during the pandemic forced me to find employment. I tried my luck in BPO and started working for Foundever last July 19, 2022.…

En décembre 2020, il n'y avait pas possibilité pour le CSE d'offrir une carte cadeau pour Noël aux collaborateurs sur le site de Rouen. Comme j'ai une compagnie de théâtre, j'ai proposé de venir jouer…

Hi, my name is Valezka, probably you know me from CXpert program, but I would like to share my history. I was born in Managua in 1999. My family is for 7 important people for…

Cela fait maintenant 3 ans que j'ai rejoint l'aventure Foundever à Cournon d'Auvergne et j'en garde de très bons souvenirs. En effet, je n'étais pas persuadé d'être ici sur le long terme mais, grâce à…

I started at Foundever back in 2014, as a customer service agent for hotel reservations, this was my first job in the BPO, I did not have enough experience back then and the first months…

Hi! I am Clarie. I have been with the company for more than a year. I am very happy with this job. This job made me feel empowered and independent. I am very proud that…

It was one of the best decisions I made when I applied and got hired here at Foundever. My application here did not turn out as I had expected; I was rejected at first but…

Hello! My name is Alison. I became part of this team in 2020 and because of where I was in my life, Foundever gave me a second chance and so I swore I would give…

I have been a customer service associate here at Foundever for more than 6 months already. As a full-time mom of two, a wife, and a career woman, I managed to juggle those three roles…

The year of 2015, I was an undergraduate in Mass Communication, and the only thing that I know that I am good at would be my communication skills. As young and ambitious as I was,…

My journey with Sitel started way back in 2004. I was as an agent then and in my 18 years of tenure, through my continuous endeavors, I was able to win the confidence of the…

I am a proud Foundever employee and it is definitely one of the best decisions I have made in my career. Going back to Foundever gave me a chance to be with a company that…

My journey with Foundever started during the early formative months of TLC Site. I was hired externally as a coach back in February 2016 and joined the pioneer campaign in TLC. I joined and stayed…

As a student, my role is to capture information and apply it, then repeat that information in quizzes and exams. But I believe that my life is not just locked in the four corners of…

It’s been a while since I started working at Foundever. I’m a homegrown talent; I’ve been with different LOBs since 2016. It’s been a wonder to everyone why I’m still here in Foundever, and my…

Hi! I am Jericho and a proud employee of ONE Foundever. I am nearing my regularization period on March 2023. This job taught me to be independent, earning my own money. I am able to…

When I got selected for Foundever, I was doubtful of how the journey would be and what the company is all about. On my first day, as I entered the building, I felt only positive…

I've been with Foundever since 2020 in the middle of the world pandemic. It was a scary thing back then but when I did my first training class I felt even more scared it was…

"Hi! I'm Rob. I would like to thank Foundever for giving me a safe environment where in I am accepted as a member of LBTQIA+ community. Foundever as a workplace highly values Diversity Equity and…

“Being a follower is the strongest foundation of a Leader.” This is a firm belief of Regin, who is one of the empowered voices here at Foundever. Regin started her Foundever journey in Pasig as…

"During the Pandemic, we were locked down in Tarlac with my family. At that time, I had difficulty finding work to support them. Then there came a time while I was dining at a fast…

"It has been a delightful experience for me since I set foot in Foundever 2 years ago. It’s not my dream job before since I am looking forward to work as school teacher. The pandemic…

"Being with Foundever gave me the opportunity to meet different kinds of people. With Foundever culture valuing diversity, I learned to respect and see things from different angle. Even before I was a Coach, as…

When the world stopped because of the pandemic, Foundever was a blessing in disguise for me. Coming back home from Canada, what should´ve been a vacation here in the Philippines became a hunt for a…

Looking back, it’s been seven years since I started my journey in the BPO industry. Before entering the call center world, I dreamed of being an educator but had to delay that goal and start…

"I can never be held back, not for a moment." This is my life's mantra. And I have been living with this affirmation no matter where and what I go through. The moment I decided…

My journey with Foundever started at the peak of the pandemic days. I was one of the employees who had been laid off during that time. Luckily, I saw an ad via social media about…

Trabajo en Foundever Colombia desde hace 6 años y he visto tantos beneficios en la empresa que se me hace difícil decidir qué es lo más cool. Podría decir que las oportunidades de crecimiento son…

My Foundever journey started during the most difficult days of 2020. When most businesses were closing, I found a home with Foundever. Co-workers became family but people in this industry used to come and go,…

Foundever is more than a company that helped pay my bills; Foundever is family. In response to the call for personal independence and responsibilities in all aspects of being, I entered the world of paid…

It feels like traveling back in time being a member of LGBTQIA+ which seems like a huge milestone in my twenty-five years of existence has been full of ups and downs. There were memories that…

Being a member of LGBTQIA+ makes me happy while working in Foundever because I have never encountered any discrimination within my two years of working here. I am so glad that I am being respected…

I struggled in looking for a job and a company where I can say that I belong and I can be who I am without any judgment. Prior to Foundever, I worked with different hotel…

My day starts with me drinking my coffee quietly, no TV, no music, no chatting, just silence. My love for coffee does not only happen during certain days, it's actually what keeps me going the…

Me siento a gusto porque Foundever se encarga de desarrollar a sus propios asociados para que sean los próximos líderes. Hace 4 años empecé como agente y hoy soy Coordinador de Workforce, tengo mi equipo…

I was once told by an ex-boss at a different company that I cannot be promoted because I am flamboyant. Honestly, during that time, I did not know what flamboyant meant and I had to…

Ever since I worked in the BPO industry, I find it welcoming and at the same time challenging especially when you trying to get out of your comfort zone and accept bigger opportunities. I at…

Foundever has been a great company since the first time I stepped in. Here at Foundever we can show our skill to the point of being promoted to different positions. I started as an agent,…

I began my time with Foundever back in 2010! I have worked on a few campaigns during my time here and I have encountered so many wonderful people on the way. The people are what…

Hi I am Emily and I am a 26-year-old trans woman who is a strong supporter of LGBTQ+. As a trans woman, I constantly have to face having my gender quite often questioned or invalidated…

Navigating your way through the new normal at the middle of a pandemic is no joke. I joined legacy SYKES back in December 2020 with tons of worries and doubts - would I get regularized?…

Back in 2019, I felt the need to come closer to home after spending a few years working in Manila and Pampanga. Not only did motherhood change my plans in life, but I was privileged…

2020 was the year everyone will never forget. I was at the peak of my career in the hospitality industry but when the pandemic started, it greatly affected the tourism industry and we were severely…

Working far away from home is challenging. I worked with a company in Iloilo before and it is 5 hours to 6 hours away from home. Loneliness lingers especially on special events such as birthdays,…

I’ve been with Foundever for more than 5 years. At first, I was hesitant to apply in Foundever because the job requires to report to work in-center and I used to be in a work-at-home…

Hi, I am Debbie and my new life started when Covid hit the world. I would have to say 2020 was horrible. After 11 years being with a home health healthcare company, they decided to…

As I get older, I come to realize where I fit in. I feel that with age, I begin to figure myself out and, therefore, figure out what I like my surroundings to be. However,…

Hi everyone!! I'm Laura Natalia Pérez, Talent Acquisition Manager for North America. I joined Foundever in January 2021 and since that very first moment, I feel I found a place where I want to stay…

I started my journey with Foundever Baguio a month after passing the Nursing Board Exam in 2010, the first decision I made for myself and I am so amazed how it turned my life around.…

During the year 2020, the world was devastated when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that we are in a Pandemic due to COVID-19. I never imagined being in such a situation in my lifetime.…

It was in 2016 when I applied for a customer service representative position and I was advised that they will get in touch regarding the result but did not get the position at that time.…

A 20-year-old kid who doesn’t have any working experience and did not attend college can lead a team in a large organization. He was 17 years old when he tried applying for a job in…

I joined Legacy SYKES Fort Smith in 2013. This story is about my son joining me at work! I miss my son being a little boy, but love the fact that we get to work…

I started with Foundever in 2015 but my stay was just short as I need to resign due to medical condition after 6 months of being with the company. After 5 years, I took my…

I started with Foundever in 2015 as a Learning Specialist and then joined Operations as a Coach after a year. Both roles have molded me to understand the business better and how to support agents…

As a mother of three teens, spending time with them is my top priority but it becomes difficult as the demand of the role increases. I recently got confirmed as a Coach for a retail…

The best piece of advice came from my mentor "Take Care of your people and they'll take care of the business”. Now as an Operations Manager Track Trainee, I learned to always prioritize social connections…

I started with Legacy Sykes/Foundever in 2019. Four months into my journey I became a flex trainer and today I am passionate about bringing forth those Ah ha moments. I have had the opportunity to…

J'ai commencé ma carrière dans le secteur bancaire en Help Desk, j'ai intégré Foundever en tant que Conseillère Commerciale en 2015 et j’ai été promue pour le post IT ANALYST PROGRAMMER en 2019. J’ai eu…

My journey at Foundever has been challenging as a student in the morning taking Civil Engineering and at night as a Customer Service Representative. Time management has helped me with my career by balancing the…

My road started in 2020 when I tried to apply but I didn't had the enough skills to join in, after that i applied two times more and the last time i received the great…

I want to share this story so people understand it's never too late. I have been a Team Lead at the Deland Site for just over 4 years. Just before the Pandemic in 2020 I…

I started my journey at Foundever on 2018, it was during the airy summer season that I joined the company to free myself from four years of studying. My journey in the BPO industry started…

As a starter, last 2014, I was rejected 7 times by other Business Process Outsourcing companies I have applied for as CSR. It was tough and difficult to get in, but I stood up 8…

Mon aventure Foundever commence en Janvier 2021. J'ai été embauché en tant que Conseiller Client sur le site de Wasquehal, que dire de l'activité de Conseiller, chez Foundever tout est bien ficelé et cela me…

I've been with Foundever not just once but twice and currently being here for more than two years. There are so many great things about working for Foundever. My favorite is probably the flexibility I…

Hi ,I am Sudha and its been close to 2 years that I am with Foundever now and the journey with Foundever has been absolutely amazing. Everyone is down to earth and friendly and I…

When I first entered Foundever...i believe it was something that was everything I wanted....the warm welcome by the trainer and high spirited leaders....even wen I had bad days they never made me feel sad about…

It has been a mesmerizing journey for me in Foundever. I have been here for 16 years, will turn 17 in September in Foundever. My #FoundeverLife has been full of fun, support, happiness, growth, learnings…

Hi, I am Vaishnavi from India. I am working at Foundever presently! It was a cold winter’s day when I first joined Foundever India. The weather had taken a toll on my health, but the…

Sou Antonio, trabalho na área de informática e é com muita alegria que conto um pedacinho da minha história para vocês, amigos e amigas do Foundever. Há uns anos atrás eu pensava que tudo era…

What does #FoundeverLife mean to you? Growth and teamwork What do you like the most about #FoundeverLife? I love the people I work with. It definitely wouldn’t be the same without the great energy everywhere…

I've never thought of myself as bold - someone who takes risks, is courageous, and exudes confidence. When I joined Foundever, I was looking for a fresh opportunity, somewhere I could make an impact and…

My career at Foundever began in 2020. I'm a recent agent here and ever since I joined Foundever family it's been an amazing experience for me. As my first call center experience, i cannot be…

Mon histoire a Foundever a débuté le 30 juillet 2018. 3 ans de bonnes collaborations et de belles rencontres. Mes plus belles rencontres demeurent ma collaboratrice Karelle, mon superviseur Shilo et toute ma team. 3…

When I finished my university I was looking for great work experience, a friend told me about all the amazing things that sitel does and she help me my the recruitment process and after one…

My career at Foundever began in 2020 when I decided to apply, It was the best decision, I can say that I’m really grateful for the opportunity that Foundever gave me to be a part…

Hi my name is Christopher and i am a recent agent in Foundever and ever since i joined the Foundever family its been an amazing experience when it come to the help they provide you…

Hi this is Hazel, I began my journey at Foundever since August 2020, I was part of the FLIP program for 2 months then I got hired, I had the opportunity to learn everything about…

Foundever has been one the greatest experience ever in my life, I've been here for almost one year and I can compare myself professionally and I can say that during all this path, I've been…

Hello, guys this is Iris and I'd like to share my incredible story at sitel with you... My story starts back in 2020 when I joined the company through the FLIP program and it was…


Been this my first call center experience, couldn't be more happy! I feel like i found my dream job, I've come to a place were I found people to share good experiences and moments, learn…

Hello guys, my name is Mirna Díaz and I am 28 years old and my adventure in Foundever started in 2019, this is my first experience in the all center industry and I can say…

I started to work in Foundever back in 2018, this is my third call center experience, after 1 month in production I was promoted to an escalated LOB and I was very happy, now I…

Hello Foundever family, I started my path in Foundever 5 Years ago, it was challenging, new environment, new people, different language but after overcome all the obstacles I realized this Is the place I wanted…

My journey at Foundever began back on June 2020 in a very important moment of my life with only 18 years. I was bored due to the pandemic of the COVID-19 and I decided to…

When I started at Foundever back in 2018 I never thought I was going to be in where I am. I have overcome some obstacles and that makes me feel proud of myself. I have…

Hello this Samy, I’m here to tell you how my amazing opportunity to have my first job change my life, I have always been a very introverted person, but since I’ve started to work at…

Hello! My name is Joseph and I just started my journey in Foundever 1 year and 2 months ago. It is a fact that Foundever changed my life completely since I applied 3 days after…

My experience at Foundever has been amazing, I have one year working with this family and hope to work more years. I needed to improve my english and wanted to start working doing that and…

I joined Foundever back in 2017. In all this years I have learned a lot about the company, values and culture. I'm always open for feedbacks, help others, and share. We work for one common…

During my last 3 years on Foundever I have grown so much personally and professionally, this helped me to be a better person and to achieve so many things in my life at a short…

Mi historia en Foundever empezó como pasante de soporte administrativo con la ayuda de Dios , el apoyo de mis compañeros y mis superiores he salido adelante y ahora soy parte Oficial del team!! siempre…

My experience Foundever has been one of the best things that I've had in my life since day one in Foundever, it's significant to be in a place where there are diversity and you can…

I have been with Foundever for 2 years now. I became part of a CTT program which i have learned a lot of new skills and developed my talent as a person and professional. Now…

My Foundever journey begun back in 2010. I can say without a doubt that the knowledge and experience I've acquired and applied in my Customer Service skills, are thanks to this company.

Hi everyone!!! My name is Bosco Sanchez and I am a Senior Coach for our financial account here at Foundever. I started my journey back in 2014 as a customer service representative and immediately loved…

Hi , This is Giovanny , my story started on 2019 , I became part of Foundever as a customer service agent , I was kind of afraid since this was my first job and…

I have been with Foundever for about 5 years overall. I started my journey in 2015, back when I had no work experience and got hired for one of the company’s accounts. As I was…

I joined Foundever when I was 18 years old looking for a job while I was finishing my major, this company gave me the opportunity to balance my studies with a stable job. After three…

Hi guys my name is Fernanda I began at sitel back in 2020, I enjoyed flip for two months because my trainer helped me a lot to improve my English skills and gain confidence about…

My experience at Foundever has been just amazing since the right beginning, two years ago a tried to get a position and guess what, I was rejected, she said I needed a little more of…

Hello my name is Cynthia Peralta, here is my story at Foundever. I started back in 2018, during this time I was able to get back on track with my finance, develop my skills and…

Hello!!! my name is Oliver Mlendez and i always like to tell my story about how my first day at sitel was. From the first day, i remember being so nervous, because was my first…

Hi Everybody, This is Omar Ortega I wanted to share with you my great experience I've been having, It all started back on November 13th when I decided to apply to get a job in…

Hello, My name is Jose, I started in Foundever back in 2017 with the dream of becoming financially independent from my family. When I started out I was sent to work in the email. A…

Hi there! My name is Francy Urbina and I’m 23 years old and I want to tell you part of my story in this incredible journey. It all started because I wanted to apply to…

I've been an English teacher for 20 years now and 10 of those have been spent working as a Language Specialist at Foundever Nicaragua. It has been a privilege to assist others in enhancing their…

My journey with Foundever started back in 2009 in the first Foundever account ever in Nicaragua. It was my first job in Nicaragua after being 9 years living in US. I started to love my…

My story started a long time ago in August 23 2009. It has been a great experience throughout these 12 years. I have acquired a lot of experience working for Foundever. This time life working…

Hello, My name is Edgar and I've been working at Foundever for 6 month ,which has been great experience. From the beginning I wanted to get hired at Foundever, because always I've had heard that…

Become a Foundever associate has been a threshold in my professional and personal life. I started my career from FLIP, step by step I was able to discover was is Foundever about, it isn't only…

I started on Foundever back on 2016 as a CSR, being on the campaign, it helped me to develop my skills and to find out what i was capable of, Foundever, 5 months later helped…

Hi my name is christopher i joined on may 24, 2021 to the Foundever fam and since then i've experienced a friendly place to work and besides work a place where you receive the support…

I have been part of this amazing family for 1 year and 8 months. This has helped me to grow as a person and also as a professional and I hope to get more opportunities…

I've been working for Foundever for 4 years, Foundever has given me the opportunity to grow, i started as a CCR and after 9 months I was promoted as a WFTT and two months later…

Hello everyone! I started in Foundever back in 2018 as a customer care representative. Since day one I wanted to be part of the QA Team, it was love at the first sight! So I…

I have been with Foundever since 2017 I started as a CSR, I love to motivate people to reach their goals and to make their days better so, I applied to become a Mission Ambassador…

Hi Guys, This is Ariel Altamirano and this is a piece of my story and experience working for Foundever. my story with Foundever started back in 2020 when I joined the company through FLIP program,…

Hello, guys. I am Marcela Nuñez. I have been working for Foundever for 1 year and 5 months now. I had the amazing opportunity to be part of Flip program. For me was the best…

Where do I start? I first started in Foundever back in 2019 as a customer care representative, I was very excited since it was my first real job and I knew Foundever was recognized for…

this is Enrique Alvarez, my friends call me Quike, and this is my story. I started working at Foundever in November 2020. From the very beginning, even before I applied, I admired how Max Social…

Back In May 2016 I started my journey in Foundever! I heard pretty good things before coming to work, like Foundever was known to be the BEST of the BEST in the Call center world,…

I became part of Foundever back in 2018, this has been an amazing journey where I'd been able to learn a lot in the professional way, where I have took advantage to bring that in…

Hello my name is Jairo and I've been working for Foundever for almost 1 year and a half! It's been nothing but an amazing experience, I've felt supported since day one and there is no…

Hello Everybody! I would like to share a little bit of how I became awakened to the idea of becoming part of the MAX tribe. You see, I'm a person that loves finding joy in…

I have been working for Foundever since early 2020. It has been a great adventure since I had face many difficult situations, happy Moments, moments of insecurity that helped me out to learn and grow…

My name is Erenia Obando, I am 26 years old. I started my career as a customer service representative, really committed to achieve my goals and expectations set up with this great company, It has…

Hello! My name is Adaía Gaitán, I've been working at Foundever for 9 months and I'm having a great experience, I can assure that Foundever gave me and is still giving me the opportunity to…

Hi! This is Maria but you can call me Maya. I heard from Foundever back in 2011, when I was studying English. I applied once, but I was not accepted, that didn’t stop me from…

So far I have been at Foundever for almost 11 months 10. To be honest I wasn't really expecting to stay here for more than a couple months due to college beginning as well as…

Hi! This is Luis Fariñas and my Foundever story started back in January 2018. Since then my path have been filled with knowledge, support and the back up of all my coworkers and leads! This…

Hello team! I am Maria José Lopez and I would like to share my experience; Right now I have 5 years working for Foundever... could have been 11 on september, but, the season working on…

I started my Foundever life on January 28, 2021. My name is Meylin. I'm from La Concepción, Masaya. I am an entrepreneur and I am passionate about makeup, digital marketing and innovation. I started my…

Hello! My name is Maria Aleman. I am happy to say that I am part of the Foundever Family since 2020. The journey has been gratifying, full of challenges from which I could learn lots…

My story with Foundever started back in 2015, sitel was my first Job experience. Everything I know about the industry I learned in this amazing company, it change me a lot and make me an…

Hello everyone, My name is Maxwell Ramirez, and I joined Foundever back on March 2019, when I recently turned out 18 years old, I was selected for the FLIP program and honestly that was one…

I have been part of Foundever Nicaragua for 9 months, developing the Peer Development Specialist Role, and I'm confident to say that this place is an amazing family, that has given me the tools to…

I started my journey with Foundever back in 2016. It was my first work experience and you can imagine how nervous I was at the time of my interview! Fortunately the interviewers and the whole…

Hi, my name is Luis Miranda, and I am going to talk to you a little bit about my personal story with sitel. Back in the days I wondered, how those people do to be…

Hi guyss! I'm Ana, my experience at Foundever started in 2019, i was in 2nd year of college and it was a hard time due to I had to start paying so many books, I…

Being part of Foundever since 2015 have been one of the greatest decisions in my life as changed my way to see things in my personal and professional life, I also was given the opportunity…

Hi, this is Geymi Sotelo! I started working at Foundever back in December 2020. My journey started when I got an English scholarship at UAM where later Foundever had a work fair that I apply…

Hi guys! This is Rosy and i just wanna share with you my story at Foundever. I've been working at Foundever since September, last year, i started with the flip program, when i tried to…

Hi my name is Antonio, i joined sitel back in 2020 as a FLIP trainee and then i became an associate. It´s been an amazing journey full of learning experiences and the ones for coming.

My sitel journey started in Feb 2015. I joined sitel as a temporary job to cover my expenses for my school to finish my major , then i realize that values that we live at…

Hello, I'm Tania Soza. My Foundever story began back in 2019 when I started as a representative. Since it was my very first time applying for a Call center, I was nervous of the future.…

Hello! My name is Daryeling. I started at Foundever in 2017, I had the opportunity to be part of the FLIP. I learned a lot during those 2 months I was on FLIP. When I…

I have been working for Foundever since 2 years, I have learned a lot, to value team work as a daily basis achievement. Procedures are important, taking in peoples individualness and uniqueness as a value…

Hello my name is Lilly Arauz, I've worked in the call center industry for the past 8 years. I am currently providing support as a coach. Here in Foundever I have gained a lot of…

Hello Everyone! This is Cristian Arauz and my story at Foundever began back in 2018 when I had the opportunity to be part of the amazing FLIP program where I was able to increase and…

Hi my name is César I joined Foundever in 2019 I was looking for stable job and Foundever gave the opportunity to found the best place to work and grow i've been in different call…

Hi, I'm Janigsia. It's a pleasure to share my story with you. I have been working at Foundever for 6 months, this is my first experience in the call center industry and to be honest…

Hi, My name is Jairo Largaespada Duarte and I will share just a piece of my big story at Foundever I've been in Foundever almost four years already, I've been in two campaigns, since the…

Hello! My name is Ana Peña, I have been working for Foundever 7 years, it has been a great experience.

My name is Karina De Trinidad and I am proud of sharing my Foundever experience. I started back on 2019 as a FLIP trainee, 3 months later I was hired for Foundever's biggest campaigns,  8…

Being part of Foundever makes you feel like you have all the chances to become whom you want to be or to discover what you want to be, Foundever is Chances!

I have been working for Foundever for 1 year and a half. It's been a Great first job experience so far. I have the chance to grow up first as mentor for almost 7 months…

Hi my name is Fernanda, this my second time at the company, first I was at the Flip program back in 2019 where I learned about the call center industry after three months I was…

I started at Foundever about 3 years ago, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Foundever opened its door to a new growing world, Foundever family has taught me about…

My story started 7 months ago, it was something that completely changed my life!! I saw Foundever as something i could never be part of, but i took the risk and now, here i am!!,…

Hi there!, This is Marcos, I began working with this amazing family back in 2019, I started at FLIP which helped me to develop my soft skills and then find what I was capable of,…

I'm Wendy and i joined Foundever back in November 2019, i started as CSR it helped me out to understand how the CSR world works, now as mentor i can share my Knowledge to an…

My Journey within Foundever started 5 years ago when I needed a job opportunity to start supporting my family. I felt like I was aiming to the moon since I had no previous job experience.…

Hi Guys, This is Jeshua Soto and this is a piece of my story and experience working for Foundever. I've been working on Foundever for 5 month, my experience working on this amazing company has…

Hi, My name is Karen I began at Foundever back in 2018.I started with the impression that this was going to be temporary, but I was wrong because it was not what I was expecting.…

This great story started back on March 04th 2019, I was part of the FLIP, an amazing program by the way, it was the most fantastic journey I ever had, I learned many things that…

My story at Foundever began on August 2017, I was looking for financial independence and found this company through a friend. I started as one of the pioneers at a great campaign. At the very…

Hi Everyone, my story with Foundever started back in 2017 when I joined the company through FLIP program, after 3 months of improvement and great experiences I became part of the financial campaign as a…

Hello, my name is Emily and i'm part of Foundever since 2020 ..When i started working at Foundever, i didn't know anything about this industry, Foundever Is my very first job experience, and has given…

My story at Foundever began in September 2019, looking for a new job opportunity I found the perfect place to work, a company where I felt valuable, a place that allowed me to study and…

My Foundever story began back in 2015! I am extremely proud to say that I was part of the FLIP. I was very excited since it was the first big step to get the job…

My name is Bismarck Marín, I would like to tell you that this is my first experience working in the call center industry and I consider that Foundever has been the perfect place to learn…

Hello everybody! My name is Nahomy Zapata, I'm studying psychology and I'm currently working as a back office agent in Foundever Nicaragua. My Story within Foundever starts back in 2017 when for the first time…

Hi, My name is Geovanny Yasser Castillo Moncada I've been in Foundever almost three years already, I've been in three campaigns.  I was in the FLIP program where I met a lot of different people…

I became part of Foundever back in 2019, and I still think that was of the best decision I could have take, this company has give me all the growth opportunities that I was looking…

Hey there, Luis here... Been with Foundever for almost a year and so far I've had nothing but good experiences. Here I found a place to grow, learn and develop my skills, also found really…

Hi my name is Bryan and my story began on june/ 22/2020 when i got into the Flip program in which that helped me a lot to improve my communication skills, on august i got…

My name is Rebeca Cuadra, AKA Bekha. I joined Foundever in August of 2015 as part of the FLIP. The program allowed me to get familiar with the call center environment while improving my English.…

Hi, my name is Camila Solano I started my journey within Foundever back in 2018, this was the very first job I applied for after I finished my university career, I was selected to be…

Hello my name is Yeudi López, I’ve been working for sitel since 2018, I worked as a CSR and I’m currently working  as a mentor where I help my campaign giving support and providing feedback…

My name is Ilce Ivonne Perez Tellez, I started working at Foundever about 1 year and a half ago. I started working as an agent and took calls for 1 year . At the beginning,…

My Foundever journey began back in 2015. I had just finished my career looking for an opportunity when I came across the name “Foundever” because a friend was working here. I came to apply and…

My name is Eveling Mendoza,I have been working at Foundever for 10 years. I am very grateful to Foundever for the opportunities and knowledge that I have acquired during these years I came in as…

I have been in Foundever for 2 years, it's a great place to work and develop your potential. I'm glad to be part of Foundever family!

Since I started working in this company my dreams have been to grow as a professional from which I have learned many things in these 2 years working here. I want to be part of…

Work in Foundever has been My major dream, since I was in high School, once I got hired I didn't believe it, now I have 3 years and 4 months, One year as mentor, been…

Working at Foundever has been a blessing for me, since I started studying English I knew that this was the place I wanted for me, it is a place of opportunities, an excellent work environment…

This is my second stage at the company. The first time I came here was my first formal call center experience. When I arrived for the first time, I was shocked about everything I was…

My story begins more than 6 months ago when Foundever gave me the opportunity to show my skills, I started as a customer service representative, it was a difficult road but thanks to my coaches…

I have been part of Foundever family for 2 years and a half now and I have had the opportunity to service 2 different accounts, it has been such an incredible journey, because I have…

Hello Everyone! My name is Marcelo Torres and I have been working in Foundever for 1 year and 11 months… Almost 2 years now! It all started when I was 18 years old, I was…

I came to Foundever with no experience at all 9 years ago, I saw it as a temporary job but quickly my perception changed and I started calling my job as my home. I consider…

It's been a few years of continuous learning and improvement along with people with amazing skills and willingness to share their knowledge. I am so pleased to work for this beautiful company that represents great…

My story began back in 2021 here at Foundever when i had the great opportunity to shine as a customer representative in a beautiful campaign, at the beginning I thought I couldn't make it but…

I've been working in Foundever for a little bit more than 2 years now. My story begins when I got the opportunity to be in FLIP which help me a lot to improve and to…

Hello people!! I’m Leiry and I am 27 years old. I have been part of this beautiful and huge family for more than a year, and what a year the 2020!!. Since I became a…

My name is Hamilton Lezama 😀 I began my journey within this company as a member of FLIP (Free Language Improvement Program) before getting hired for a campaign, due to my outstanding soft skills and…

Hello everybody! My name is Nahomy, I'm studying psychology and I'm currently working as a back office agent in Foundever Nicaragua. My Story within Foundever starts back in 2017 when for the first time I…

Hello everyone, this is Hellen I have been working on Foundever for almost 10 month, this is my first job experience and it has been the best, I'm so happy because I'm working with amazing…

My story at Foundever began back on March 2020, a new opportunity world was about to start and at that moment I did not know how was going to be my experience at Foundever, I…

Foundever is my 1st job experience, I started in April 2016, as customer representative I was able to develop many skills and met a lot good friends, Foundever is a great place to make a…

It is an honor to work for Foundever and a great blessing, realizing that on the first day of my training my son was born but since Foundever's schedule and support was not difficult and…

Hi, I've been working in Foundever for two years now and I can Say that it has been an amazing experience so far, since I have had the opportunity to grow really quick by being…

I have been part of Foundever's Managua site Team since 2017. Foundever has been a great family, where I've learned a lot of values such as work together, I learned to build trust with the…

Hi, I'm sophie! And my story began almost 1 year ago when I was at Foundever taking my 1st training for an amazing campaign. I was in shock because this was my 1st experience working…

Hi guys I would like to share with you my story and everything started when after 5 times applying I got the opportunity to be in FLIP because it was not easy but was not…

I've been working for Foundever over 9 years, sitel has been my very 1st and only work experience, I’m so proud to work with such great environment, i finally decided to take the challenge and…

I have been working with Foundever now for the past 3 years and a half. I have been a loyal employee to this company in appreciation to all the value it has shown to me…

As part of Foundever, I've learned much more than just speaking with people and help them, I've also learned great values to become a better person in our society. Now, my path since I got…

My adventure at Foundever started back in June 2016, I started as a customer service representative and there was something that I’d never imagined to find at Foundever. I found self-trust, when I was hired,…

Hi there. I've been working for Foundever for 1 year and 7 months. What i could say about my journey here is beyond any expectations. A place where you can put a dent, share, and…

Hello Foundever nation, my name is Adenis and this is my story at Foundever. I have been in Foundever for exactly 1 year and 7 months, I can really tell it has been an amazing…

Hello my name is Walter, I'm 26 years old. I have been on campaign for Foundever for 5 years. It has been a great experience. As a customer service representative I was also studying Economics,…

Hello, this is Graisa! I have been working for Foundever for 6 years! Yes, 6 years! I applied for a position within the company back in 2015. I took an English course and the next…

I Joined Foundever back on November 2019. When I started I was a customer service representative in a sales campaign. I had a lot of challenges but more importantly I had a lot of people…

Hi everyone!! I have been at Foundever for almost 3 years already, I joined to the company back on 2018 as part of the 150 FLIP class, later on I was hired as a Customer…

I started my journey here at Foundever back on 2020 and i got the opportunity to be part of an amazing campaign, since then I have felt motivated, supported, secure, stable and the most important…

I joined Foundever on December 20, 2020 as a customer service agent.. This is my first experience in the company and I am glad for the opportunity I received here. Soon in my story I…

Here at Foundever I started as an agent where I was able to learn a lot about customer service, how to manage my patience among other great things. From being an agent I transitioned to…

I've been in Foundever almost a year and for me this has been a great experience since the very beginning when I joined to the FLIP program where I learned a lot about improving my…

Hello every one, my story with this amazing company started back in 2016 as member of the FLIP program I enjoyed it and learned a lot then I was given the opportunity to work as…

Hi there! I am more than glad to share my story with you, I hope you enjoy reading it! Back on last year I had a dream, it was to become part of the Foundever…

Working at Foundever has been an amazing experience. I came here to apply to our FLIP Program; however, I was so lucky that I was actually moved directly to a campaign. After that, I have…

My name is Allison, I started in Foundever back in June 2019 as part of the FLIP Program, since the beginning I felt like I was part of a family, I felt comfortable, it was…

During the time I have been working in Foundever, I have felt so comfortable with the work environment, I am not scared to show and be who I am since equality is promoted and always…

Every story has a beginning. Mine is back on October 2020, when I joined to the BPO industry here at Foundever. Wow, there could not be a better place to work at. Foundever is an…

I've been in Foundever for almost a year now and since I got here it has been been a great experience. I felt welcomed since day 1. I have an amazing team and always receive…

My story began back in 2015 here at Foundever when i had the great opportunity to shine as a customer representative in a beautiful campaign, at the beginning I thought couldn't make it but to…

I have been almost 2 years working at Foundever, I'm so proud and happy to work with amazing people and the great environment around. I really thanks Foundever for making me feel so comfortable and…

My name Leonor, i have been part of the Foundever Family for over 9 years, giving support to 3 accounts, i have been able to gain the needed experience to grow within the company putting…

Hello Everyone! My name is Crysthel, you can call me Crys! I have been in Foundever for almost 2 years, and it has been such a great experience, I am so glad that I got…

I thought I would never be part of Foundever but it has become such an amazing journey during all these 8 years, and I know that there is still more to come, to learn and…

Being in Foundever has been one of the most amazing experience I have ever had. I've been in Foundever since 2014. I started in our money transfer campaign. Since then, I have been given the…

My story at Foundever started when I was part of the FLIP, they gave me the opportunity to improve my customer service and English skills and I took advantage of it. I always wanted to…

Hello Worldwide Foundever Nation, My name is Tamara Sobalvarro, I have been working for Foundever Nicaragua for over 5 years already, I have nothing else to say just that it has been an amazing professional…

I have been in Foundever for about 11 months. During this time I have developed myself to be a natural leader. During these months, I have grown to be a mentor in the first 5…

Hello everyone, I am Anabel García, I have been working for Foundever Nicaragua for a year and a half, and the truth is that this trajectory in the company has served me a lot since…

Hi, Rossybell here! I've been in Foundever for 1 year and a half, it has being such a wonderful and fun experience! It all started when I participated in a singing contest Foundever made in…

I have been working for Foundever for more than a year. It has been a great experience because I have received multiple training sessions in order to enhance my knowledge. I was selected to be…

Being in Foundever it has been the best experience I could've had. I've been in Foundever for almost a year now and it has given me growth opportunities that I never imagine, not only within…

I joined Foundever back in 2018 , this it definitely my dream job i was looking for a place that offer job stability and also help to develop my skills , here at Foundever i…

I tried twice to be part of Foundever family, because I know that at Foundever I would have so many opportunities to grow, I also know that it was my place to have my first…

I had worked for Foundever since 2011 before leaving to take on mom duties for a year and half. But I never stopped missing what it became my home for 8 years. The place where…

Hi everyone!! My journey with Foundever started almost 3 years ago in 2018, our country was passing through a very difficult situation and Foundever gave me the chance to be part of this amazing family,…

I have been in Foundever for almost 3 years now, and I would say that it is an incredibly fantastic journey. The company promotes equal rights and opportunity to everyone regardless of your gender. I…

Bom primeiramente me chamo Mikael, tenho vinte e dois anos. Com o meu tempo de jornada na Foundever Brasil, desde do primeiro dia consegui notar a diversidade seja em gênero, etnia e até estilo pessoal,…

I have been in Foundever for 2 years already and I have met people that I consider part of my family. Despite of our differences, I have not feel judged and I have always received…

Hi everybody! I’d like to be called Sue. I'm a non-binary digital artist, and I've been working at Foundever for 3 years already. From the very beginning, I noticed an environment that inspired me to…

J’ai intégré Foundever en Juin 2016 en tant que téléconseiller, le premier jour de mon intégration et au vu de l’environnement et le climat social je me sentais chez moi du coup j’ai décidé de…

Entering the BPO Industry was very new to me, and to be part of a big and amazing company is really something I am proud of. 5 years ago, I joined the Foundever Barkada. I…

When i first started at Foundever, I was nowhere near the person I am today, I not only had the chance to grow as a Foundever member within the company but also as a person,…

Après une expérience  de 3 ans dans un autre centre d'appels  à Rabat, j ai intégré Foundever en mois  de Juin  2016 autant que chargé à la clientèle  dans le projet Bell mobilité lors de…

Been working for Foundever for just a week so far but happy to be working in a environment where I have faced no discrimination for being trans! UK

Quand j'avais 52 ans je suis née... Grâce à une personne formidable de Foundever. J'ai enfin trouver le courage de me dévoiler telle que je suis réellement, et quel soulagement. Quelle joie d'entrevoir enfin un…

My name is Jorge, I’m 23 years old, I have a degree in economy and international business and I have been living in Cali for the last 6 years. I'm from San Andrés and I…

I am a lot of things. I’m a wife, a sister, a daughter, a fur mom, a soon to be a 15 year veteran with Foundever. I’m a Leadership Development Manager, I’m a best friend.…

I am new at Foundever and the welcome feeling has been the best so far in my career. I believe we can make difference in CX and we can change the world starting in our…

Je suis Moussa SOUMAHORO HRBP Généraliste sur le site d'Abidjan. Mon histoire avec Foundever a démarrée il y a un peu plus de 5 ans aujourd'hui en tant que conseiller client sur un projet de…

Also ich bin hier 2017 gelandet und hab mich hier von der ersten Minute an wohl gefühlt.Nach einer kurzen Pause bin ich ins Unternehmen zurück und bereue es nicht. Germany

I have always tried to be happy and fulfilled at work, with Foundever it is not a dream but a reality that I have been living for almost 2 years now, and this make me…

Ich habe die Anzeige auf Facebook gesehen und mich beworben ich mag die Arbeit die Leute sind echt nett, Klasse und hilfsbereit. Germany

The company really values, diversity, equity and inclusion by providing opportunities to all gender. Being a LGBTQ+ member, working with Foundever for 10 months, I never felt any discrimination. It also shows in the opportunity…

I have only been a member of Team Foundever for a short while but I have received such a warm reception! I am already a member of the Elite Team who are one of the…

Hey my name is Adriana, I am 26 years old, I am a professional in psychology and I am from Venezuela and I have lived in Colombia for a little more than 3 years. My…

HELLO Foundever ! My name is Ismail Chekh my journey at Foundever started three months ago, a journey full of kindness and support from our team, in these 3 months I explored many beautiful things…

I have now with Foundever for 4 years and some more, I started as a voice representative with Frontier, but for personal reasons needed to leave, a year later, I was given the chance to…

Mi currículo es un caos. ¿Eso significa que mi vida también lo es? Pues seguramente si. He tenido un resumen en Linkedin en la biografía, pero recientemente ya eliminé mi perfil, incapaz de rellenar todo…

Bonjour, Je suis Delphine RABOT, mon histoire a commencé en 1995 je suis arrivée en tant qu'étudiante comme conseillère clientèle pendant quelques années puis Team manager et Ops manager depuis 3 ans. Tout au long…

J’ai commencé chez Team Partners (Everial) en tant qu’Opérateur Mise sous pli auto, durant 4 ans. Suite à un licenciement économique, j’ai réalisé une formation de Technicien Supérieur en Support Informatique en 2016. Grâce à…

Grand passionné de sport et d’histoire dans sa globalité, avec un appétit pour le domaine de l’associatif. En effet, je participe à de nombreuses actions caritatives dans différents domaines allant de l’éducation à la culture.…

Je suis arrivé en tant que téléconseiller pour un emploi estival. On m'a proposé un CDI 30h que j'ai accepté. Pendant plus de 10 ans j'ai pris des appels sur divers activités puis j'ai fait…

It's been only 2 months now since i joined Foundever, the work environment is very different from anywhere I've worked before, everyone is friendly and helpful. I got to meet some amazing people, colleagues, managers…

I am almost a new member here, but i noticed it is a good place to work, since fro the moment you are in everybody welcomes you and tries to help you out to get…

Some years ago I used to work in the oil rig industry, a lot of learning, incredible experiences, excellent friendships and very hard life lessons, after almost 4 years working there I took one of…

My name is Mariana, I'm 27 years old, almost 28 (05/19), I'm from Monterrey, but my family is from Tampico, I have 9 dogs, 1 cat, 4 turtles, 6 fishes, 2 hamsters and I want…

My name's Desiree and I've been in the company for just a few of months, and I'm so glad to end up here! When my friend told me about the company and explained me the…

Hi, My name is Yuliana Carreón but I also go by Yuli, I started in Foundever 6 months ago. My experience at Foundever has been great since day one, due to covid-19 I started working…

Hi everyone! My name is Laura Melchor, and I have been part of the Foundever family for almost 5 years. I am currently in the Recruitment and Selection department. One of the things I'm grateful…

Hello! I'm Angel González and I've been part of Foundever for 5 months. I feel as excited as my first day working in the company, and now I know that this feeling came because of…

Hello, My name is Rocio Rivera I've been on Foundever for 6 months now, I'm strongly committed to have my family happy and proud make things better when it comes to work. I love to…

I started to work in Foundever 3 years ago, what I like the most is that they always support you whenever you need, especially with scheduling. Thanks to that I’ve been able to have a…

Toute personne dotée et motivée pour construire un plan de carrière est la bienvenue chez Foundever, Le cadre de travail est très agréable en vue des différentes activités et plan d'animation organisés dune manière hebdomadaire…

Je travaille chez Foundever depuis 2017 et durant ces 4 années j'ai appris énormément de choses. J'ai découvert le vrai sens de l'entreprise citoyenne et j'ai relevé et je relève au quotidien des challenges professionnels…

Hello, je m'appelle Jessica. Mon histoire chez Foundever commence en octobre 2015 où je suis entrée en tant que conseillère sur une activité dans la téléphonie. J'ai ensuite évolué au poste de TM en Juin…

Je suis Nelly, CQFM depuis 2020 sur le site de Blois. Après avoir travaillé quelques années avec des personnes sourdes et malentendantes où j’ai eu la chance d’apprendre la langue des signes, j’ai intégré l’équipe…

Empowering Leaders in the BPO World: 7 Quick Tips Let’s talk about “Empowerment”! More often than not, this word is closely associated with leadership development, but do you really know what it means to empower?…

Hello je m’appelle Loïc, geek autodidacte de 36 ans. J’ai intégré Foundever le 16 mars 2020, au tout début du premier confinement. Il y a des dates qu’on retient plus facilement que d’autres. J’ai fait…

Je suis Florence. J’ai débuté mon expérience dans l’entreprise en 2003 comme conseillère client. J’ai ensuite basculé sur la Base arrière en réclamation. En 2010, je suis passée Manager sur la Base Arrière. En 2014,…

Bonjour ! Mon histoire chez Foundever a commencé en mai 2017 en tant que conseiller client pour une activité sur le site de Wasquehal. Après un peu plus d'un an à ce poste j'ai eu…

This is wajeeh khan From my childhood I have been known as an sincere one who is full of emotions joy and appreciate little things as well in life I like to keep an humble…

New journey begins with Foundever 🙂 I have made memories and beautiful moments already and many more to come.. India

Foundever is my first company , i feel very comfortable n welcomed by all in the company ,i really had great interactions during our induction as well as getting to know them and their sweet…

Hello everyone, my name is Manvitha Madasi, I am still a newbie at Foundever. I'm 22 years old, I'm an art enthusiast. What I love the most about being part of Foundever is the daily…

What I love in being a Woman of Foundever is the feeling of empowerment regardless of your gender. India

I was excited when i joined sitel group. Environment is good and Management is always helpful when i needed help. India

Growing up I was always obsessed with perfection and pois behavior. I was born in a family with two other siblings .My mom always taught us that as girls we should always strive to be…

As a new employee of sitel, I would like to explore the new environment and engage in team activities. I'm sure that sitel would help me to fulfill my aspirations. India

This is my first job Foundever is the strong foundation in my life. I have been part of sitel in 2021, I'm 22 year old I was then, changed a lot. Foundever has encouraged me…

My Journey with Foundever just started recently! I was very lucky to find a job during this difficult times, Foundever welcomed me. I'm happy to join Foundever family and i have got the chance to…

I love to stay fit and healthy. India

I am a daughter, friend, mother and employee. As a woman of Foundever, I follow company policies and procedures and am an advocate of goodwill. I support our core values, join activities and encourage everyone…

Being a Woman of Foundever means that I can freely express myself in the workplace and the same goes with other women, too. It’s a venue that allows teamwork and collaboration among people from different…

What I love about being a Woman of Foundever is the equality. Everything from promotion, leadership training, to opportunities to showcase our skills and talents as a woman. I choose to promote gender egalitarianism. Women…

As a woman of Foundever, I love that I am encouraged to perform at my best without hesitation or fear of being judged. It is comforting to know that a company focuses on the knowledge…

We are Stasi Rosi Twins - Watch our video to learn about us!

I started working in Foundever last year and It's been perfect timing for me because I was working in a Gym but they closed because of the pandemic. Foundever gave me the opportunity to work…

Hace 2 años llegué a Foundever y el tiempo se a pasado volando! En verdad es el mejor lugar donde e trabajado, aqui me siento valorado, me toman en cuenta y en general veo que…

Foundever llegó a mi vida de manera inesperada, fue una de esas casualidades de la vida, que llegan sin ser buscadas pero se atesoran por ser tan gratificantes. A finales del 2019 recibí la llamada…

Gracias al apoyo de Foundever en cuanto a horarios flexibles pude comenzar mi negocio de Regalos Personalizados con la idea de generar ingresos extra y tener algo propio. Lo mejor es cuando la gente ve…

Llegar a Foundever fue algo muy positivo para mí, es un lugar donde puedo ser yo, creando y buscando nuevas maneras de ser mejor profesionista y persona. Es un lugar donde los compañeros se vuelven…

C'est Raissa DIAZ. J'ai intégré Foundever au mois de Mars 2020 pour un démarrage d'activité. A cause du contexte COVID, l'activité a été arrêté. J'ai ensuite fait de démarrage d'une autre activité en Juin 2020…

Being collaborative is defined to be mostly a feminine characteristic. I love being a woman of Foundever because this organization strongly believes in the power of collaboration and working together in order to achieve and…

What I love in being a Woman of Foundever is the feeling of empowerment regardless of your gender. Foundever, through its leaders, ensures that each individual is given equal opportunities for growth, learning, and engagement.…

The Women of Foundever are confident, empowered and determined to achieve their goals. No matter what challenge is in front of them, they remain steadfast and perseverant while exuding beauty, grace and style. These characteristics…

Hi everyone! I’m very happy to be able to tell my story within the company. I'm Veronica Cardenas, I'm 21 years old and I’m professional in modern languages with emphasis on digital communication. My story…

Hello guys! My name is Andrea, I am a Social Communicator and Journalist from Cali. I’m 23 years old and have been working with Foundever for a year and half. It has been a great…

What do you love most about being a Woman of Foundever? What I love most about being a Woman of Foundever is being able to have a voice and being able to wear different kinds…

We asked some Women of Foundever what they love most about being one and what they choose to do to make the world more gender-equal -- one where men and women get to achieve their…

We asked some Women of Foundever what they love most about being one and what they choose to do to make the world more gender-equal -- one where men and women get to achieve their…

We asked some Women of Foundever what they love most about being one and what they choose to do to make the world more gender-equal -- one where men and women get to achieve their…

We asked some Women of Foundever what they love most about being one and what they choose to do to make the world more gender-equal -- one where men and women get to achieve their…

I consider myself very fortunate to be working in one of the reputable BPO companies located on one of the most beautiful islands in the country. What better way to live your life than pursue…

Hey, that's me Khushbu. so I've to say something about myself at Foundever. It's difficult to present yourself because you know yourself so well that you don't know where to start. I was a new…

My Journey with Foundever Mexico started almost 3 years ago! I was very lucky to find a job during a very difficult time, Foundever welcomed me with open arms and i haven't left since. I've…

My Journey At Foundever Just Started Last Year Around October, actually got hired on my birthday, so i can gladly say that it was the Best Birthday Present ! . Mexico

My history with Foundever Mexico has been as varied and different as that of many, they have proven that they care about their people, their needs and demonstrated that their safety is a main priority…

March 13, 2020, a year ago, I wrote this word in my journal. ANTIFRAGILE - some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, stressors, and uncertainty. I wrote…

I joined Foundever in January 2021, working across the Southwest as Regional HR Generalist to Plymouth and Exeter. Within a short space of time I have felt welcomed, empowered, engaged and confident in the HR…

Where do I start? My journey with Foundever Plymouth has been a roller coaster. I first started in June 2019 as a Customer Service Adviser, in the last wave of the ramp period that year.…

Bonjour ! je suis Marine, Op’s depuis peu sur le site de Pau J’ai passé la porte du bâtiment H pour la première fois il y a 10 ans. Tout juste diplômée d’une fac réputée…

Hello à tous, Moi, c’est Corinne dit Coco. J’ai intégré la société en Février 2011 comme conseillère clientèle pour le compte d’un fournisseur d’énergie dont je tairais le nom 😉 En 2013, je suis passée…

Je fais partie de la famille Foundever depuis Février 2016, j'ai assisté d'ailleurs au premier anniversaire du site de Fès. Et comme presque l'ensemble des collaborateurs, j'ai été un conseiller client pour une année et…

My path in Foundever began a year ago (February 24, 2020), with many expectations because I was facing a change into a new industry. Much of my professional life as an Advertiser was spent between…

When I was fresh out of University, I got a job as a Financial Service Advisor at a Bank in Denmark. I was hired at the same time as a guy I went to University…

I have worked at Foundever since 2019. And what most impressed me was the ”onboarding team”. They were always ready and available to help us (new employees). It’s is very important when you are on…

When I used to work as a Customer Care representative in a mobile phone company in my mid-twenties I remember that when receiving calls regarding technical issues and the customer was a male eight out…

Ever since I was little, I remember always being told that I needed to learn how to cook, clean, wash, take care of a home, etc., so that I could grow up to find a…

I recently joined Foundever India in the capacity of Leadership Development Manager. Had a chance to interact with bright and diverse individuals which made me realize that this is a place of Respect, Passion and…

I joined the Exeter, United Kingdom office in June 2013 and this was my first full-time managerial role topped with being the first in a call centre. During my time in Exeter I have learned…

Howdy? My name is Karelia Palacios, I want to share part of my story at Foundever, I’ve been working for this amazing company since 2012, I have to say that the learning process has never…

Ciaooo, mein Name ist Melanie Vulcano und ich bin noch 47 Jahre jung, Mama von 4 fantastischen Mädchen (alles Powergirls,... mein Mann tut mir schon ab und an Leid mit dieser geballten Frauenpower zuhause). Die…

Since joining the HR team 10 years ago, Foundever have supported me through flexible working and sponsoring me through my professional qualifications. I have benefited throughout from expert and authentic management and leadership and the…

I joined Foundever almost 7 years ago as a Team Manager, intending for it to be a stop gap and it was the best decision I made for my career. I have now been an…

Hallo Ich bin Marina, seit Dezember 2020 bei Foundever im Home - Office und es gefällt mir richtig Gut. Wir haben ein Tolles Team und haben viel Spaß unter einander im Teamlink. Ich hoffe noch…

I joined the BPO industry with the idea this was a temporary job and after 11 years and I am proud to say I’ve learned a new career, achieved different milestones in my Operational journey.…

Being a woman who is part of this great family has allowed me to meet other powerful professional women who are dedicated and focused friends and coworkers. To me, being a Foundever woman means Voice,…

Hi everyone! My name is Monica Velasquez, I joined at Foundever back in 2019 as a customer care representative, then 6 months later I became a mentor and finally a Learning Specialist. I believe Foundever…

I have been part of sitel since 2012, the 18 year old girl I was then, has changed a lot. Foundever has seen me grown and gain confidence. This 2021 I am a different Johana,…

Hi, ich bin Pascal. Ein sehr guter Freund hat mir das Unternehmen Foundever empfohlen, somit begann im September 2019 bei Perform. Noch nie habe ich in meinen 31 Lebensjahren so ein Mitarbeiter freundliches Unternehmen kennengelernt.…

I have been with the company for 8 years and 5 months. Foundever has given me a lot of opportunities to grow, learn and meet new people. I was very lucky to be surrounded by…

Hello, my name is Vasil Blagoev, Social Media Team Manager in Foundever Sofia, and I am a big fan of our Foundever Fit wellness program. I personally find this program amazing because it allows me…

Hello tout le monde ! J'ai rejoint Foundever en 2016, en CDD, en tant que Chargé RH. A l'époque, je sortais tout juste de mes études et cela était ma première vraie expérience professionnelle. Et…

Je suis ravi de faire partie de la famille Foundever, depuis juillet 2019, ça reste vraiment une expérience inédite car j'ai fait un parcours sur plusieurs centres de contact. Ce qui m'a marqué le plus…

Greatings I began with working at Foundever Fès on July 2019 after several contact centers it was a challenging experience because I was only on small business but after 3 months of hard working I…

It's only been two months now since I joined Foundever, this is my first experience in the professional world, and I can confirm that the company is meeting all my expectations, the staff is very…

Hello, I have joined sitel two months ago as a Customer care representative, I'm so happy to join Foundever family i have got the chance to met up with amazing people, co-workers, our trainer and…

I joined Foundever just recently , during this short period of time it made me understand that Foundever is not only a place of work, to be paid at the end of the month and…

To whom is reading those lines, I wish this year will be filled with success and achievement happy 2021: I joined Foundever in August 2020,it was a new field for me , and it has…

Hello I'm Niama, I'm a newbie at Foundever, it's only been a couple of months since I started , but it already feels like I've been here for years. From the sweet coworkers to our…

It's been four months now since I joined Foundever, it's been a great experience for me, I get to meet new people who are very professional and kind. I enjoy working and interacting with everyone…

Hi everyone, my name is Ayoub Nour, I am still a newbie at Foundever and a newbie at marriage as well. I don't know if there is any coordination between the two, but I started…

I have joined Foundever two months ago as a customer care representative, I am still trying to adapt to the way things are done but the company is meeting all my expectations, I have brought…

Hello ! I am zineb,I was invited by my friend to apply for a job in Foundever, after three day they called me and told that I have been selected. Actually I was impressed for…

As a newly joined agent I enjoyed all the opportunities that I have been given since I started in Foundever. The experience has helped me discover many facets within the industry which I wouldn't have…

Greetings, I relocated to Casablanca in summer 2020 and started working at Foundever on October 22, 2020, I am enjoying this experience as I got the chance to meet up with an amazing family (brothers…

Je suis arrivée dans l’entreprise en juin 2009 en tant que conseillère clientèle. Depuis, j’ai pu évoluer dans différents postes (soutien métier, Team Manager, RQF puis OPS) et découvrir de nombreuses activités. Après être partie…

Bonjour Je m'appelle Roger RADISIC J'occupe la fonction de Directeur de Site à NANCY. Je suis arrivé il y a peu de temps chez Foundever, en Mars 2020 mais avec une sensation d'être déjà parmi…

Bonjour à toutes et à tous Je m’appelle Véronique Masson, j’ai intégré Foundever en mai 2015 en tant que Responsable Qualité et Formation sur le site de Nancy. J’ai une expérience dans la relation client…

Je m’appelle Alexis POLESE. J’ai intégré la société en avril 2010 en tant que conseiller client. 3 ans plus tard, je me vois confier une équipe Front Office via une mission de superviseur. La mission…

Bonjour à tous ! Je suis Romain et j’ai démarré l’aventure Foundever à Nancy il y a déjà 12 ans maintenant. Je ne connaissais pas l’univers de la relation client mais j’ai pu le découvrir…

Je m'appelle Hervé et je suis responsable IT des sites de Nancy et Troyes. Mon histoire a débuté à l'ouverture du site de Nancy en 1997 en tant que conseiller client. Quelques mois plus tard,…

Hello à tous, Je m'appelle Julien et j'ai intégré Foundever depuis Octobre 2011, à la fin de mes études. Mon parcours est assez riches puisque j'ai commencé l'aventure Foundever comme conseiller client durant 1 an.…

Arrivée comme conseillère client, en 2009, j’ai eu l’opportunité dès mes 6 premiers mois de rejoindre le service qualité formation comme formatrice. J’ai intégré en 2017 le parcours formateur conseil. Ce parcours m'a permis d'acquérir…

Je suis Christelle, j’ai 36 ans et je suis Responsable du service WFM de Pau. Je suis arrivée chez Foundever en 2007, fraichement sortie de la fac. Ce qui pour moi ne devait être qu’une…

Bonjour, Je suis Marie Sabine. J’ai intégré Foundever en Juin 2015, en tant que Conseiller Client sur une activité en appel sortant. Etant un nouveau métier pour moi, avec la formation reçue et mes propres…

Cela fait maintenant 18 ans que je suis rentrée chez Foundever comme conseillère sur le Retail HP après une 1ère expérience dans la communication. En 2003 j'évoluais Mentor (qualité formation sur le compte) et Operation…

Hello World, My name is 'Syed Talha' (short version), I have been part of the Foundever family for 4.5 months. I actually joined Foundever as a Customer Support Representative and as a Community Educator. Soon…

Bonjour à tous ! Je suis Damien, j'ai intégré le groupe en avril 2011 en tant qu'Administrateur Technique sur le site de Clermont-Ferrand. 5 ans plus tard, en 2016, j'ai eu l'opportunité d'évoluer au poste…

Bonjour, je m’appelle Rachel et je suis OP’S sur le site de Pau. Arrivée chez Foundever en 2000 sur le site de Tarbes, j'ai passé la plus grande partie de ma carrière comme Téléconseillère en…

Bonjour je m’appelle Ouafaa et je suis OP’s sur le site de Pau. Dans mon parcours professionnel j’ai fait beaucoup de social : aide aux devoirs et à l’orientation dans un foyer pour adolescents à…

Je m’appelle Camille et je vais vous raconter rapidement mon parcours. Tout a commencé en novembre 2014. Je postule à une offre d’emploi pour devenir conseiller sur une activité de service-client mobile Grand Public. A…

J’ai rejoint les équipes Foundever il y a 7 ans maintenant. J’ai tout d’abord travaillé sur le site de Romainville pendant 3 ans puis j’ai eu la chance de rejoindre l’équipe paloise. Mes expériences précédentes…

Bonjour, je m’appelle Pascal Lombard et je suis OPS sur le site de Pau. J'ai intégré en Juillet 2000, le site de Tarbes encore en travaux en tant que conseiller client pour débuter une formation…

Tenho 17 anos na área de Facilities, coordenando manutenções das instalações predial e equipamentos de redundância elétrica e pessoal, sendo 5 deles na Foundever. Trabalho em uma área bastante abrangente, onde não existe rotina, pois…

Je m'appelle Cyril FANLOU et je suis le responsable IT des sites de Tarbes et Pau. J'ai commencé en 2013 en tant qu'Administrateur Technique sur le site de Tarbes. Au bout de quelques mois, j'ai…

Mon nom est Emmanuelle SANTI AMANTINI et je suis Responsable Qualité Formation sur le site de Pau. Je travaille chez Foundever depuis 2002, 18 années pendant lesquelles j’ai pu participer à différentes missions et ce…

Bonjour, je m’appelle Isabelle Chaudy. J’occupe actuellement le poste de directrice de site sur Tarbes, mais ne vous y trompez pas j’ai dû travailler d’arrache-pied pour en arriver là. Mon histoire a commencé en 2000…

1. What you enjoy about working at Foundever and the Foundever culture I have been given countless opportunities to develop the youth of this nation in everyday interactions to be the best and overcome adversity.…

10yr Army Vet here. 3 tours of Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. I was a Medic and I have seen the best and worse in people and have learned to never take anyone or anything…

I spent did my first six years on the Mitscher, two deployments, multiple exercises, IA to Afghanistan, come back did some staff work with a DESRON. Spent some time on the Cole, Wasp, and a…

Il y a maintenant 3 ans, après avoir passé 12 ans dans le métier des réseaux de télécommunications, j'ai décidé de changer de parcours et de recentrer mon parcours professionnel sur ce que je crois…

Hello tout le monde, moi c’est Mélanie je suis chez Foundever depuis Janvier 2020 et je vous avoue que je ne me voyais pas aller aussi loin dans cette expérience professionnelle. En pleine reconversion après…

Bonjour, je suis Laurence et je suis arrivée chez Foundever il y a bientôt 5 ans.   car je cherchais à me professionnaliser sur cette activité et découvrir les méthodes de ventes et surtout pouvoir…

Je suis Maureen et J'ai intégré Foundever en Avril 2017. Avec un petit à priori au début sur le métier, mon regard a vite changé ! Je suis conseillère client et depuis plusieurs mois maintenant,…

Bonjour à tous, je m’appelle Cyrille et je fais partie de la génération des dinosaures à La Rochelle. 😉 Comme beaucoup d’entre nous, j’ai franchi les portes de notre site un matin sans savoir que…

Salut à tous, Alexandra et nouvellement Max Insiders ! Je suis arrivé à Foundever en 2019 en tant que conseillère par curiosité de la relation client à distance. Je n’ai pas été déçu car j’ai…

Mon histoire a commencé chez Foundever en août 2019 ! J’occupe le poste de Chargée de communication sur le site de La Rochelle et m’épanouie chaque jour dans les missions qui me sont confiées. Divertir,…

Moi c’est Catherine et je suis Formatrice Foundever sur le site de Pau. J’ai intégré Acticall en 2008 sur le site de Billère en tant que conseillère clientèle pour une grosse activité et sur un…

Je m’appelle Levent et je suis arrivé dans l’entreprise en mars 2016 juste après mes études. Foundever est donc ma première véritable entreprise. A mon arrivée, je ne pensais pas rester aussi longtemps dans l’entreprise…

Salut tout le monde, Je suis arrivée chez Foundever en tant que conseillère en avril 2018 et ai évolué en tant que manager en octobre 2018. J'ai été manager sur une mission et j'ai comme…

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, 2020 fut une année riche en événements avec l'arrivée de la crise sanitaire mais surtout l'obtention de mon bachelor "Communication Digital Média". J’ai eu l’opportunité de rejoindre les équipes…

Bonjour je m'appelle Cécile et j'ai 54 ans. Débarquée de Paris et du secteur du pétrole, après un passage chez un autre centre de contact, j'ai découvert Acticall puis Foundever il y a 10 ans.…

Breast cancer is close to my heart and my experience with it has in many ways affected me immensely. In 2018, my mother passed away due to breast cancer. When she was diagnosed with it…

Bonjour à toutes et tous, J'ai commencé le 1er avril 2019 sur une mission de Foundever. Quelques mois plus tard j'ai découvert un autre service au sein de cette même mission, ce qui m'a permis…

Je suis Laetitia Démoulin, RRH du site de La Rochelle. J’ai 39 ans, et avec mon mari nous sommes les heureux parents de 2 grands enfants de 17 ans et bientôt 21 ans. J’ai intégré…

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013; I was 36, with two children, aged 1 and 3. Foundever couldn’t have been more supportive. My Site Director and HR Manager kept in regular contact with…

Si je devais illustrer mon parcours eu sein de Foundever, ce serait une série : Foundever&Me, 2 Saisons ! • Saison 1: Foundever 2002, je suis recrutée en tant que conseillère pour un compte, rapidement…

Arrivé chez Foundever en 2017 en tant que conseiller client sur une activité, je suis devenu Formateur en 2018. Je continue à transmettre mon savoir au quotidien. France

Bonjour la communauté Foundever ! J'ai intégré d'abord Acticall en juin 2007 comme conseillère. Puis, en mars 2009, je suis passée Team Manager sur la même activité. Cela fait maintenant un mois que je suis…

Bonjour à tous ! Arrivé chez Foundever il y a 2 ans par un concours de circonstances pour le poste de conseiller client, j’ai tout de suite été à l’aise dans l’entreprise au point où…

Un pur produit des centres de contact, c'est comme cela que l'on pourrait (en partie) me définir. Je démarre ma carrière dans les call centers en 2004 au téléphone, puis évolue progressivement sur des postes…

Bonjour, je suis Silvia. J'ai intégré l'entreprise en 2006 sous Vitalicom, en tant que conseillère clientèle. En 2009, j'ai évolué sur un poste de Manager. Pendant 7 ans j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir intégrer…

Hello ! Je suis arrivée dans l'entreprise en 2001 sur le poste de conseillère, après avoir terminé mes études et sans savoir que je passerai 19 ans au sein d'une structure dans laquelle je me…

Juin 2006, me voilà diplômée, j'entre enfin dans le monde du travail ! Je pars donc en quête d'un job…. Vitalicom fut le premier : entretien terminé et validé, j'entre donc dans le monde du…

Bonjour à toutes et tous ! L'aventure Foundever commence pour moi le 08 septembre 2017, veille de mes 19 ans, par le poste de Conseiller client. Je suis d'abord en employé en intérim, puis pris…

Bonjour à tous, J’ai rejoint Foundever en 2009 en tant que conseillère clientèle avec une expérience dans le secteur des soins de santé. Après un an, j’ai été promue au poste de Team manager puis…

Après 13 ans au sein du groupe, mon parcours est émaillé de belles aventures à chaque fois enrichissantes et toujours ponctué de rencontres humaines fortes. • Arrivé en 2007 chez ACTICALL Paris, j’ai commencé en…

Lorsque l'on m'a contacté pour m'annoncer que l'aventure dans l'entreprise commencerait en novembre 2008, rien ne laissait penser que j'y passerai plus de 10ans, et que je vivrai une telle expérience ! Je prenais un…

Après un parcours plutôt orienté dans le social pendant une dizaine d'années, j'ai découvert le monde de la relation client. Ayant envie d'évoluer et de découvrir un plus large univers, j'ai eu l'opportunité d'intégrer la…

Mon histoire Foundever Pau commence en mars 2015. Arrivée comme conseillère client, j’ai eu l’opportunité dès 2016 de rejoindre le service qualité formation comme assistante plateau puis formatrice process. J’ai intégré en 2017 le parcours…

Bonjour, Je suis Sandrine et je suis Max Insider. Je suis la Responsable Ressources Humaines de TARBES depuis 20 ans, présente dès l’ouverture de notre site. Ma fonction me permet d’allier mon goût pour les…

Bonjour à tous ! A mon tour de partager mon histoire. Intégré au sein de l'entreprise sur le site de Rouen depuis bientôt 10 ans j’ai à l'origine été recruté comme beaucoup d'entre nous en…

La grande aventure a commencé en mai 2016 exactement, le temps passe vite quand on aime son travail. Je m’en souviens comme si c’était hier. Je suis arrivée en tant que conseillère. J’ai occupé ce…

Bonjour à tous, je suis arrivé en mars 2008 chez Foundever comme conseiller client. Par la suite j'ai évolué au poste vigie et de team manager dans cette même activité. En 2013, je suis passé…

Mon histoire chez Foundever commence en 2008, lorsque j'ai intégré la société Acticall, en tant que TEAM MANAGER, pour encadrer les conseillers assurant le service client d'un célèbre fabriquant de pneumatiques. Même avec des pneus…

Je suis Julie, Responsable Ressources Humaines adjointe sur le site de La Rochelle. J’occupe ce poste depuis 5 ans mais je suis dans l’entreprise près de 18 ans et le moins que je puisse dire…

Moi, c'est Dounya. J'ai rejoint Acticall en septembre 2008 en tant que conseillère pendant 2 ans et j'ai ensuite pu évoluer sur un poste de Team Manager. J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir gérer et…

Je suis dans le domaine de la relation client depuis toujours, tout d'abord vendeur en boutique, puis animateur sur une piste de karting, je me suis ensuite orienté vers Foundever afin de vivre une nouvelle…

HR Manager since 2015 at Foundever, my experience in customer relations has already lasted more than 15 years. When I met Marc Dayries and Laurent Uberti, I was immediately seduced about their vision of human…

Neste outubro Rosa a Foundever Brasil presta sua homenagem a Dayana Diniz (em memoria), gerente de operações que travou uma batalha corajosa contra o câncer de mama. A Day, como carinhosamente era conhecida por todos,…

Plus de 4 ans maintenant que je partage avec les équipes de Blois l’aventure Acticall et maintenant Foundever. Et que d’aventures… Le métier et nos services évoluent sans cesse, nécessitant une forte exigence au quotidien…

In March as the situation with Covid-19 went crazy, I was on the lookout for a job and I applied for a position that was open in Foundever, and the first thing that amazed me…

Living the #FoundeverLife is all about being passionate about what we do. Without it, it will be pretty difficult to effectively drive any initiative within the workplace, let alone do anything with true joy and…

Living the #FoundeverLife means becoming the best version of yourself and making a positive impact in the organization you belong to. MAX helps me realize that. Since I became a MAXpert, I now have a…

Foundever has given me opportunities to grow and learn through the different projects I handle as an HR business partner and HR person-in-charge for MAX. Despite the pandemic, I’m able to explore ways to support…

"MAX is a community built with our people in the center. It is a community where transformation is built by leveraging on the collective strength, unique characteristics, experiences and perspectives of our people." This resonates…

Working for Foundever at home is truly awesome. I have 3 kids, ages 13, 11, and 5.  I absolutely feel like a superhero every day. My daily routine is to wake up early and get…

I lead by listening and thinking things through. I practice what I preach and of course, lead by example.  This is why I am happy with Foundever MAX. I support and believe in it. I am…

Bonjour à tous, Je vous propose que nous fassions ensemble un rapide flash back sur mon parcours chez Acticall. Tout commence, un lundi 19 juin 2017!!! Arrivée sur la pointe des pieds avec une expérience…

In 2014 I moved to Georgia from Ohio for my High School Sweetheart. I had lost my mom in 2013 and was grieving really hard. I was a registered Nurse and transitioned over to medical…

I had recently got out of an abusive marriage, became a single mom, and then the pandemic hit. I was used to being a stay at home mom. I had no clue what I was…

Working from home is great for me as I do suffer from social anxiety as well as some physical issues that limit my ability to walk or stand for long periods of time. It also…

I left working in the field earlier this year in March due to COVID-19. I immediately started looking for work from home and found Foundever. I've become a Super Hero to both my wife and…

Arrivée chez Foundever en 2008 pour un emploi temporaire car j'avais décidé de changer de secteur d'activité. En quelques mois j'ai découvert un environnement riche et constructif. Foundever m'a fait confiance et m'a donné l'opportunité…

Je suis arrivé dans l'entreprise il y a un peu plus de trois ans, j'ai eu la chance d'évoluer très vite après 8 mois pour devenir Team Manager. Foundever m'a permis de devenir autonome et…

Hello, Je suis arrivée chez Foundever après avoir obtenu mon diplôme. Foundever est mon premier employeur. Ça fait maintenant 9 ans, que j’apprends tout les jours sur moi même et sur autrui. Anciennement conseillère, aujourd’hui…

Working from home has been the most beneficial life-changer for me. I am a single mom of 4 and when I applied for Foundever at Home I was just starting over. I didn't know how…

Having the ability to work from home has been a life-changer for me. Most of my family is high risk and my three kids are doing virtual school. This helps ensure that we lower the…

I have been in a Customer Service call center environment for over 10 years. I have always enjoyed the ability to speak to people from different backgrounds whilst assisting them with their needs. When the…

I’m a newbie for Foundever Work From Home. Back in 2006, I went to New Orleans on a disaster tried team after Hurricane Katrina. I ended up with mold in my lungs and spent 1…

I am a Foundever at Home hero in the new norm, as working at Foundever, allows me the opportunity to earn a paycheck and give back to my community. During these new times, my family…

Estou na Foundever há 18 anos. Entrei na Foundever em 2002 com o propósito de ficar em torno de 1 ano, pois estava estudando administração e tinha outros projetos. Iniciei no atendimento ao cliente em…

I am fortunate to have Foundever Palawan as my employer during the pandemic. Adjusting to the New Normal has been easy for us associates because of the support we receive from the company. A supportive…

Thank you, Foundever! I'm Antiwonette and working from home has been amazing. Up until now I was a waitress and wondering for quite some time how I would transition back to an office position of…

I am happy that I have the opportunity to work from home with Foundever and they are a well-established company. I like the fact you are able to grow within the company and expand your…

I joined Foundever At Home in 2015 because I was tired of the long, frustrating daily commute. I had always dreamed of a work at home job. I love being able to provide Super Hero…

Hello, I'm Franck Olivier Houon, and today I want to share with you my Foundever story: I first heard about Foundever from a friend of mine working there and she told me: "this job is…

En plus de 10 ans d'ancienneté chez Foundever, j'ai vu mon périmètre de poste et mon Site se transformer. Ces années ont été jalonnées de Challenges que nous avons ensemble su relever pour créer une…

Mon aventure Foundever commence en 2013, je suis venu pour quelques mois et 7 ans après je suis toujours là, passé par les postes de conseillers client, Team Manager et depuis quelques semaines Opération Manager.…

“What I like about Foundever?” – It’s an understatement. I love how Foundever has given me different tools to help me grow personally and professionally. I love looking back and seeing the course I am…

Hi all, My name's Tilokama TRAORE From Abidjan, this is my Foundever story. I have started working at Foundever in October 2018. I really appreciate being in a company known worldwide like Foundever. I am…

2020 took a toll on all of us. I worked/managed a bar and have been there for 19 years. The bar closed in March and hasn’t reopened, I was forced to look for another job…

Foundever has provided me job security and has supported my career growth since I joined the company in 2008. Just a couple of months ago, I became the lead for Foundever My Associate Experience (MAX)…

Je suis arrivé en 2005 un peu par hasard mais c'est par envie que j'y suis resté ! D'abord sur un poste de conseiller client puis Team Manager, j'ai ensuite passé 6 années au sein…

MAX Insiders are not limited to a project name, it represents for us an adventure, a challenge, but above all, a story in itself. 2020 was supposed to be a year like any other, what…

Hello à tous, depuis 2002 je vis 1/3 de ma vie avec Foundever. J'ai connu les postes de conseiller client, de formateur, de coordinateur qualité formation et actuellement de responsable qualité et formation sur les…

Voilà 10 ans que j'ai franchi les portes de Foundever Pau ! Ce qui devait être temporaire est finalement devenu ma plus belle expérience professionnelle ! Tout d'abord intégration en tant que conseillère client sur…

25 ans dans la Relation Client, un très beau parcours professionnel ! Riche de mon expérience de mes 8 années précédentes, j’ai commencé chez Foundever en 2003 comme TM. En 2006, 5 mois de mission…

Bonjour à Tous, je suis rentrée chez Foundever en juillet 2009 en tant que Conseillère clientèle en front office, j'ai rapidement été formé sur le Middle Office et le Back Office. Grâce à Foundever j'ai…

I started in Foundever in 2017 as a CSR. When I started working in Foundever my goal was to become a Quality Analyst as I wanted to be able to help agents to improve on…

2012 ME: Hi guys, my name is Johana, I am 18 years old and I am a little shy, don't feel comfortable speaking in public but I have many friends. I just finished studying English…

Bonjour à tous, A mon tour de vous raconter mon histoire chez Foundever. J’ai commencé en Février 2011 comme conseillère clientèle. Une découverte enrichissante d’un métier méconnu de ma fenêtre et surtout la découverte d’une…

Bonjour à tous ! Aujourd’hui, je vais vous partager mon histoire, après plusieurs années passées en hôtellerie. Je me suis lancé le défi de développer le métier de la relation client différemment. Je suis arrivée…

Max insiders ne se limite pas à un nom de projet, il représente pour nous une aventure, un challenge, mais surtout, une histoire en soi. 2020 devait être une année comme les autres, ce qui s'est passé est tout…

Bonjour à toutes et tous ! Mon aventure au sein de Foundever commence le 27 Août 2017 après avoir entendu parler de notre entreprise par le biais d’une collaboratrice. Première grande aventure en entreprise après…

Mon aventure a commencé en mars 2014, année où j’ai découvert le métier de la relation client à distance grâce à l’entreprise Foundever en tant que conseillère cliente. Pendant 4 ans j’ai pu multiplier et…

MaxInsider is my second name in the production platforms. On the 3 shores, all the floors and with 2,100 employees whom I thank by this voice for their trust, sharing, smile. During one year we…

I started with Foundever in March of 2020. I was 19 years old and working as a cashier at the time. When I applied for Foundever I honestly thought they would think I was too…

Tout a commencé le 03 janvier 2005, première rencontre pour 4 semaines de formation initiale comme conseillère clientèle. Le 31 juillet 2007, j’évolue sur poste de vigie pour 10 ans de pilotage d’activités intensifs. 1er…

DISCLAIMER: Names have been altered to protect the client. I have been a "Call-Center" employee nearly a dozen times in my 30-year professional working experience. I have played many characters: Agent, Trainer, Motivator and Manager.…

Bonjour à tous ! Je suis arrivée chez Foundever un peu par hasard, comme la plupart d'entre nous il y a 5 ans et demi. J'ai commencé comme conseillère clientèle. J'ai alors beaucoup appris sur…

Bonjour a toutes et a tous ! Aujourd'hui J'aimerai vous partager mon histoire, et quand on est un Max Insiders le partage est une valeur importante. Après l'obtention de mon BAC économique et social, je…

L'aventure au sein de Foundever a commencé comme conseiller. Par la suite, j'ai intégré suis devenu Team Manager dans cette même activité. Notre ami Georges s'est relocalisé à Blois. C'est alors que j'ai eu la…

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, 2018 fut une année riche en événements : • Obtention de mon Master 2 « Web Management, Réseaux Sociaux & Marketing Digital » à Sup de Pub Bordeaux •…

Bonjour, L’histoire a commencé il y a cinq ans, j’ai postulé chez Acticall sans savoir que ce serait un long chemin. En effet, après un an de démarrage timide mes supérieurs m’ont fait confiance et…

Je suis entré chez Foundever, il y a maintenant un peu plus de 15 ans. Grace aux opportunités offertes, j’ai pu passer de conseiller client à Team manager puis OPS depuis maintenant 9 ans. En…

Arrivée un peu par hasard chez Foundever en 2010, J'ai commencé conseillère, une expérience enrichissante, j'ai découvert un métier passionnant, enrichissant et une entreprise avec des valeurs humaines, Ensuite au bout de 5 mois, le…

Il y a exactement 3 ans, je décide de changer complètement de secteur d’activité. Anciennement responsable commerciale dans le milieu du spectacle, je saisis l’opportunité d’intégrer Foundever. Pari gagnant ! Je suis désormais OPS, voici…

Bonjour à tous ! Je suis ravie de pouvoir partager mon aventure Foundever avec vous! J'ai 32 ans et je suis actuellement Opération Manager sur le site de Clermont-Ferrand. Foundever m'a accueilli il y a…

Tout a commencé le 18/09/1989 lorsque j'ai signé mon CDI ! Depuis, beaucoup de choses se sont passées. Des changements de nom d'entreprise et donc de Direction, des métiers différents (téléopératrice, assistante commerciale, assistante en…

Bonjour, Je souhaite partager avec vous mon aventure au sein de l’entreprise Foundever. J’ai 30 ans et suis arrivée anciennement chez Acticall en Octobre 2012 au poste de conseillère client après avoir obtenu mon BTS…

Tout à commencer le 03 janvier 2005, première rencontre pour 4 semaines de formation initiale comme conseillère clientèle. Le 31 juillet 2007, j'évolue sur poste de vigie pour 10 ans de pilotage d'activités intensifs. 1er…

Bonjour à tous, Voici mon histoire.. Du haut de mes 29 ans, bientôt 10 ans que je travail pour l'entreprise Foundever Première année en alternance en tant que conseillère clientèle, j'ai pu évoluer et devenir…

Je suis arrivée dans l’entreprise en janvier 2010 en tant que TM sur des activités d’appels sortants ,j’ai eu l’opportunité d’évoluer et de passer OPS sur une activité entrante Ce que j’apprécie dans les différents…

Bonjour à tous ! Je prends quelques minutes pour vous partager mon histoire au sein de cette fabuleuse entreprise qu'est Foundever. Je rentre chez Acticall, à l'époque, fin 2012 au poste de conseillère client comme…

Je suis chez Foundever depuis 20 ans. J'ai occupé les postes suivants: - Conseiller clientèle - Superviseur - OM J'ai commencé en tant qu'OM sur des activités d'appels sortants ventes. Aujourd'hui, je suis sur de…

Bonjour à tous ! Je suis Olivier, j ai 24 ans et je suis Team Manager sur le site de Cournon. Je suis rentré en juin 2017 en contrat pro après un BTS comme conseiller…

Entré comme conseiller en 2004, j'ai pu profiter de nombreuses opportunités pour monter les échelons jusqu'au poste de OPS Senior en 2013. Mon parcours chez Foundever m'a permis de comprendre les différents métiers opérationnels (conseiller,…

My story with Foundever began back around 2007 where I was employed for my first full time position. Being young and naïve to just how amazing an employer Foundever was I did not take the…

I started with Foundever March of 2018. I had just made a life decision that I needed to leave the industry that I had worked in for 25 years. I had Worked in the restaurant…

Bonjour, j’ai 43 ans et je suis actuellement directeur des opérations sur le site de Foundever à Clermont Ferrand. J’ai rejoint Acticall en 2013, après avoir passé près de 13 ans chez un concurrent du…

FoundeverFit provides us as UK agents working from home with an invaluable bridge to communicate, motivate and empower each other. As well as get physically and mentally fitter. There's the obvious health benefits and believe…

Hello, my name is Maribel Gutierrez Amador. I am 61 years old, a wife, mother of five and grand-mother of one. I have been happily married for 39 years and counting, and I would say…

This note is a little overdue but I am thankful for a month long of encouragement and appreciation I’ve received from you since joining your team and felt like I needed to share that with…

As an ex OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker), decision to settle in for good was always a tough decision to do especially if you get the comfort of a good life abroad and coming back home…

I am glad and lucky to have a MAX Hub here in La Union because it gives me a new opportunity to work and stay at my Hometown. MAX Hub here in La Union is…

I am work in Düsseldorf for Foundever. Nur I want to live and wird dir Foundever in New Zealand. I want to lesen much better Englisch. Germany

Je m'appelle Laura et je travaille chez Foundever à Tarbes, Je suis détentrice d’un bac général ES, alors lorsque j'ai vu sur mon plateau, qu'une formation qualifiante en vente était proposée aux salariés de l'entreprise,…

Hey everybody! I just want to say that I really love working here and being hired to work from home! My site is in Augusta Georgia, but I live in North Carolina, which is about…

In 2007, I was a drifting, slightly lost university graduate who didn't really want to go into the field from which I'd graduated. I had finished my degree in English and Education and was ready…

So proud to be part of the Foundever family. I managed to improve my public speaking skills through Foundever. Meet new awesome people virtually. Foundever helped me recover my debt and how to manage my…

My name is Sophie and I'm a transgender woman living in the UK! I am very proud of who I am and especially because of how far I've come. I realised when I was only…

Sou supervisora de atendimento Site Foundever Barra funda Brasil. E como líder, tenho orgulho de aprender diariamente com a diversidade cultural dentro da equipe, é um aprendizado que não tem preço. A lição que o…

Being part of Foundever means a constant growth and joy. I feel always that I'm part of something really good. I am valued, loved, happy, comfortable and earning money in the same place. Colombia  

Buscaba un trabajo que me permitiera estar en casa porque enmedio de la emergencia nacional era escencial permanecer en aislamiento. En Foundever se han preocupado por hacernos tener el menor contacto físico posible, me llevaron…

Foundever que puedo decir de esta gran empresa, soy chef internacional Colombiano de nacimiento, mis padres me llevaron de 7 años a Venezuela donde pase toda mi niñes y juventud, estudie gastronomía en EEUU en…

Eu sou o Leonardo (Léo como muitos me chamam na empresa), tenho 27 anos e estou na Foundever há 3 anos e 4 meses. Comecei minha trajetória atendendo na célula de SAC de um produto…

Sou colaboradora Foundever há 8 anos e frequentemente me surpreendo com a forma que a Foundever pratica a diversidade junto aos seus colaboradores . As pessoas se sentem bem vindas para serem elas mesmas! Esse…

Eu sou o Danilo (Danyllo), minha história começa em uma passagem rápida de 9 meses na Foundever em 2008, como analista de Suporte Técnico. Após 8 anos 2016, eis que volto a minha antiga casa,…

Estou na Foundever há 1 ano, me sinto extremamente feliz e grata por ver que a empresa se importa verdadeiramente com as pessoas em todos os sentidos, desde o bem-estar e qualidade de vida até…

Here in the Philippines, crossdressers like me are still not widely accepted in all workplaces and some trans people are still forced to dress like a man to keep their jobs as they deemed it…

Inclusión es simplemente reconocer las capacidades de cada quien, pasando por encima de cualquier rótulo que la sociedad nos haya enseñado que las personas puedan tener. Reconocemos el talento de la personas, reconocemos la gestión…

Entre las cosas que más me gustan de ser parte de la familia Foundever, está sin duda el hecho de que es una empresa liderada por jóvenes en su mayoría. Aquí, además del trabajo por…

¡Hola! Yo soy Wave 1 de mi campaña. Me presenté a Foundever después de haber tenido una experiencia mala en otra empresa; era la primera vez que intentaba entrar a un contact center porque mi…

Being part of a family that lets you be you no matter what is what I found here at Foundever, an amazing big family that lets you explore who you are and how far you…

Olá! Me chamo Angelo, tenho 27 anos e estou há 2 anos na Foundever, hoje sou do Time de Treinamento. Minha jornada aqui começou em 2018, quando morava em Santa Catarina e vim a São…

Me chamo Amanda e tenho 19 anos. Muitos me perguntam o que eu, uma hétero, branca, cis gênero sei e entendo sobre diversidade. Acredito que por ser o outro lado da moeda, consigo observar com…

Lo que más me gusta de trabajar en Foundever es el buen ambiente laboral, siento que hay un apoyo fuerte por parte de tus supervisores, entonces eso hace que el trabajo sea muy ameno. Por…

I am fascinated with this new experience of working from home. It is very fun decorating my workplace and adding new things to it every day which is also very motivating throughout the day. Thanks…

Working at home has helped me to spend more time with my family, I have more time to play with my dog, take care of my plants which I love and make better dinner or…

It's been three months since lockdown started, and Foundever has definitely helped me out to go through it. I never imagined such a fellowship and a great work environment could be achieved from home! The…

Hi, I want to share with you my experience working from home. Working for Foundever from my house has been a good experience because you can work with comfortable clothes, I prepare food that I…

In Foundever, I never have the fear to show who I am and who I want to be. The way I dress is never an issue. I can walk and talk without being persecuted. Foundever…

Podem me chamar de Ari, tenho 30 anos e sou a própria diversidade. Já passei por inúmeras situações em minha vida, mas foi através da Foundever que percebi que uma empresa pode sim valorizar a…

Olá, estou na Foundever há 7 anos, iniciei como Analista Jr. e hoje atuo como Analista Sênior em uma operação de Tecnologia. Tenho orgulho de fazer parte do time e da empresa, um lugar onde…

Me chamo Jefferson, tenho 3.1 anos, tenho 2 anos de aprendizado na Foundever. Faço parte do Time de Treinamento, e muitas vezes eu aprendo mais com a #diversidade dos funcionários Foundever, do que com minha…

During the last 2 months, I have worked from home learning how to solve doubts and provide different solutions every day. Undoubtedly, not having to go out every day has sometimes made me forget what…

Falar sobre a diversidade no nosso ambiente de trabalho é muito importante. A nossa sociedade é diversificada, são homens, mulheres, pessoas com deficiências , grupos LGBTQs. É muito importante abordar esses temas, independente da nossa…

Meu nome é Letícia, tenho 23 anos, estou na Foundever há 1 ano e 8 meses, entrei em um produto que hoje não faz mais parte da Foundever e continuo firme na empresa, uma empresa…

Ola meu nome e Oswaldo, Tenho 28 anos, Eu trabalho na sitel hace um ano e a verdade e uma empresa que fornece diversidad, respeito a os dereitos y fico muito feliz do pertenece a…

La diversidad es respetar, tener empatia, Apasionarse por ser mejor persona Cada dia y Aceptar que todos somos miembros del Mundo, que caer y levantarse es de valientes! Brazil Our differences are our strength. In…

Hi everyone, I'm James! I came to Foundever some 6 years ago, when my last job shuttered. Foundever was nice enough to pick me up right away, so I didn't lose any income. I originally…

Faço parte do time Foundever desde 2012 e em todos estes anos já passei por vários desafios que me fizeram evoluir como pessoa e profissionalmente. Iniciei minha carreira na Foundever, onde sempre fui acolhido por…

We have different experiences, but trans women have experiences that do parallel with the whole fabric of what womanhood is. Embracing trans women, listening to their stories, enriches what womanhood is. It expands it and…

Team TARLAC, No doubt that last week was a true test of resilience across our Foundever Kabarkadas. It's during these times that we find genuine strength in each other as we continue to plow through…

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." - Helen Keller This is reflective of the very fiber of Foundever Princesa. Together, we made a difference no matter how minute or…

#SalamatBarkada for all the efforts both seen and not seen. I really appreciate each one of you who volunteer to press on. And while others have decided to give up and shut down, we continue…

Salamat Foundever Barkada for choosing to be part of this Journey. For coming up with bold ideas, not criticize; for trusting each other, not argue; for tirelessly providing services not complaints; and for going above…

Being a Nurse or Midwife and giving care- has no international boundaries. Aside from the hospital setting, I have been called into action during flights over the Atlantic, on trains and at festivals. We are…

Bonjour à tous, je suis Maria Le Béchec, Directrice du centre de Casablanca Nearshore Park depuis 2019 regroupant près de 2000 collaborateurs pour des activités multi-lingues & multicanal. Aujourd’hui il est impossible de ne pas…

En cette période difficile, je trouve que nous avons beaucoup de chance d'avoir l'opportunité de travailler à Foundever en toute tranquillité et en sécurité avec toutes les mesures sanitaires mises en place, mais plus encore…

Foundeverien depuis 7 ans à La Rochelle. Et dire que je suis venu uniquement parce qu'il y avait de la lumière, juste pour deux CDD de 6 mois.......en attendant mieux !!! Et surtout avec un…

A cause de la pandémie Covid_19 qui sévit dans le monde actuellement, nous vivons une période tout à fait exceptionnelle, un contexte qui a fait que les entreprises ont dû s adapter aux différentes mesures…

Meu nome é Érica Magalhães e faço parte da família Foundever há quase 6 anos, hoje como Gerente Jurídico, responsável pela assessoria jurídica de operações, áreas de apoio e diretoria, ações preventivas, gerenciamento de contencioso…

I choose to begin this message by thanking you because this actually used phrase has achieved a special meaning in these unprecedented times that affects each other and everyone of us. You dedication to support…

To say that these are difficult, trying times is an understatement. What is happening around us is unprecedented and extraordinary in every way. We pray and look to family for strength and love. With everything…

Celebrating Mother's Day in the office is normal for BPO mommies. But celebrating it at the office knowing that you can't go home to be with your kids and your family after is commitment! Salute…

One of our many #FoundeverHeroes: Icky Reymundo. Icky volunteers to ferry our food packs from the site to our agents' accommodations via bike! So, our vans can be reallocated to other much-needed routes. Thank you!…

They (Foundever) keep on taking care of us --- from giving us hazard pay on top of our payroll to providing food, accommodations and our essentials. They value their employees... Our safety is their top…

Thank you to the amazing leaders of our account. Sharing with you our current situation: Where would you find bosses who will pick you up at your house and drop you home safely in the…

It’s been a long and stressful week, a roller coaster of emotions. Thank you to our agents who stood with us and who came to work despite the challenging time. It was a selfless act…

I'm commonly named Babacar, I have been part of the Foundever family for 3 months. I work as an Operations Analyst in Dakar, Senegal and support the Operations with data extracting and analysis, among other…

Hello, my name is Jennifer Hankammer. I joined Foundever in 2011, just 2 years after moving from my home country, the Philippines, to Germany. Equipped with an MBA degree and years of management experience in…

Hi, I'm Sandra. I have been part of the Berlin Foundever team for a good 11 years now. As a receptionist, I am very aware of the work processes and the interpersonal communication that makes…

Une expérience exceptionnelle ! Durant cette période de crise, plutôt une période d’apprentissage, aussi intéressante que la routine de tous les jours sur les différents départements, à aucun moment j’ai hésité à aider mes collègues que…

I had been really amazed at the speed that all the sanitary barriers and preventive good practices took place on our site in Abidjan. I then realized how we were able to leverage on our…

Foundever Puerto Princesa has joined forces with Astoria, Yamang Bukid, JCI Oil, through the support of the Puerto Princesa Underground River (PPUR) Partners Foundation on April 16, 2020, to help the community-based sustainable tourism (CBST)…

12 years in the making - This is my #FoundeverLife story: 4/28/2008 – “Last few months of college, 3rd Call Center job because everyone needs a little bit of cash. This is a bilingual job…

Kudos to our employees who have been very understanding of our situation. I remember one time when I asked them and told them about the option to work for an accommodation or go back to…

From planning to putting into actions, from cooking, packing and driving it to our HOTACS (hotel and temporary accommodations). We know it's not EASY and we know that everyone is trying his or her best…

#Maxcommunity #TellYourStory #FoundeverLife I will tell you guys about my work at home experience. At first, I wanted just to wake up and jump into the computer, but it started to be tired and repetitive.…

As Lisbon 7 Rios Site Director, I am really proud to mention that in this new and unforeseen situation we are living, we feel that we are more together than ever. We worked as a…

Sou o Jonas Shartener, estou na Foundever há pouco mais de 3 anos, atuando como Coordenador de Compras. Sou responsável pelas compras e contratos da empresa. Desde o início da pandemia do COVID-19, tivemos um…

Sou a Adriana Wells, estou na Foundever desde dezembro de 2019, como Gerente de RH. Responsável pela liderança, desenvolvimento, implementação e administração de programas de recrutamento e por impulsionar a execução de uma estratégia eficaz…

Sou o William Lucena, estou na Foundever há 8 anos e atuo como Analista de Recursos Humanos. Sou responsável por organizar e desenvolver o programa Up Foundever, voltado para o crescimento profissional dos nossos colaboradores…

Sou a Diana Alcantara, estou na Foundever há 6 anos, atuando como Analista Sênior de RH, revezando entre os dois sites. Como principais atividades do meu trabalho, estão selecionar os melhores talentos do mercado para…

Il y a quelques mois de cela, je pensais que le COVID19 ne toucherait pas mon pays. Aujourd'hui c'est une réalité à laquelle il faut adapter mon mode de vie et de travail. Je continue…

Je me revois dire à mes collègues « cette année 2020, c’est notre année ! » on avait plutôt imaginé exploser nos budgets, être récompensés d’un Awards et faire la fête pour célébrer ça !…

Dans le contexte actuel et la période que nous traversons depuis plus d’un mois, J’ai su réagir très rapidement avec les aléas des décisions prises dans l’urgence, pour prendre soin de nous mais également pour…

Mon expérience au sein du groupe a débuté depuis bientôt 3 ans et je peux affirmer avec aisance que les pages de ma vie au sein de Foundever GROUP restent inoubliables. Au nombre des faits…

Hi, I'm Pelin. Since February 5, 2018, I belong to the Berlin team. I am TM and currently in training for OM. In times of Corona, you realize again that you have a strong and…

Hi, mein Name ist Julia und ich arbeite mittlerweile über 5,5 Jahre bei bzw für Foundever. Angefangen im September 2019 als Agent, merkte ich schnell dass das hier mehr als nur ein Übergangsjob ist. Nach…

Cette crise liée au COVID19, ne doit pas être vue comme une fin en soi, je n'abandonne surtout pas, et j'en fais une source de motivation pour travailler encore plus fort. Car me rendre chaque…

Ce qui se passe actuellement est quelque chose qu’on n’a jamais vécu, et que nous n'avons jamais pensé vivre. Entraidons-nous et collaborons vers l’objectif commun de vaincre cette pandémie. On va y arriver ensemble et…

Hi, I am Daniel, since 01.03.2017 I am part of the Foundever family. As Facility Manager, Berlin and Potsdam are my areas of responsibility. My range of duties is quite extensive. Not only technical but…

I started working at Foundever just over a year and 6 months ago. I started working as a customer service advisor in Plymouth, then within 6 months into the role, I became a WFM track.…

This amazing journey started back in February 2017. I was just getting to Colombia back from my studies in the US, ready to find work and assist my family as any of us. Initially, I…

Some thoughts on working from home: This has been a testing time for all of us. However, one thing has gone really well, which is our sudden and unexpected exodus from the office. I remain…

After working for 8 years in June with Foundever, I can only say that the joy of getting to work every morning never goes away. The amazing people that make up Foundever Kingston is worth…

I am Marko Bildat, SD of the Berlin site! As Site Director, it's an important task to find the balance between the employees' well-being and the client's requirements. This balancing act can only be done…

My name is Adel Kayani, I've been working at Foundever in the United Kingdom (Kingston) for almost 5 years. When the news of Covid-19 developed into a pandemic in my country, there was a time…

Durant cette crise du COVID19, j’avais le choix entre le télétravail et le travail sur site. Mais j’ai choisi de rester auprès de mes collègues qui n’ont pas ce choix , bien évidement vu que…

My name is Manuela Zimmermann I've been part of the Foundever family for many years and work as a "Workforcer" at the Berlin Site. Especially in these difficult times, when nothing seems like the way…

When I applied to Foundever for a job over a year and a bit ago I was not expecting much as being off work for many years due to mental health issues. But Foundever took…

The World is changing before our eyes As we move through our new shelter at home universe, I can’t help but notice that we will have a new world waiting for us when we get…

I'm still at the site and I'm experiencing "the decline" every day... Fewer and fewer colleagues come here, because they can, thank God, work from home to survive the crisis. I think it's megacool how…

Hello, my name is Matthias and after 14 years with Foundever, I have seen, experienced and worked with many, almost all, areas, services and facets of the company. (I thought!) Life always holds surprises in…

Si on m’avait dit il y‘a quelques temps, que je prendrai à nouveau ma plume pour écrire ce nouveau quotidien, j’aurais certainement cru à une blague ! Mais nous y voici . Depuis bientôt un…

Mein Name ist Susi und meine Geschichte bei Foundever begann 2008. Ich suchte nach einer neuen Herausforderung und wurde von einem Freund geworben. Erst war ich skeptisch, da ich mit Computer so gar nichts am…

Si l’épidémie actuelle Covid-19 inquiète bon nombre d'entre nous, il existe bien quelques raisons qui laissent place à l’optimisme. Entre le télétravail et les personnes vulnérables qui ne peuvent pas quitter leurs foyers Chez Foundever…

J'ai beaucoup apprécié la diligence et la conscience professionnelle avec laquelle ma société à agit durant la période du COVID-19. Elle a fait preuve, en plus de ses compétences, d'une excellente capacité de réaction en…

Période de crise covid-19 , tout a changé du jour au lendemain Au début c’était la panique totale, je ne savais pas quoi faire ni comment ça va se passer et c’est là où j’étais…

#sitelheroes# 11ème épisode des héros de Cournon Il y a quelques années en arrière, un jeu était très tendance : il fallait chercher des boules de poils aux pouvoirs étranges, les Pokémons. A Cournon, on…

Hello colleagues around the world, My name is Fatima Zahra, 24 years old, a Moroccan girl who is working in Foundever for two years. As a Customer Happiness Specialist, our client gave us the Honor…

Apart, but connected.  That's how I would describe the last few weeks. Working from home is our new normal - not just at Foundever, but across the world. As we all adapt to the global…

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we also offer to our employees in Krefeld the possibility to work from home. However, as many employees come to work by bus, train or bicycle, there are difficulties…

Mi historia es la de muchos, no soy un héroe, trabajo desde casa, pero en ningún momento tuve miedo, ni entré en pánico por lo que estaba ocurriendo a escala mundial, al contrario, casi me…

My name is Kateryn. I’ve been working at Foundever for two years now. First, I started as a technical support agent and I took calls for nine months. During that time, I fell in love…

Hi, I'm Paola, HR Specialist at Foundever Colombia in Cali. I'm 23 years old and I started my career at Foundever back in 2018. I'm currently studying Law and Political Science and back then, I…

Hi, this is Diego from Foundever Colombia, Cali. I’m 21 years old and I’m currently studying foreign languages (English and French). I started my career at Foundever back in 2019. Back at that time, I…

Hey guys! My name is Valeria. I am 25 years old. I came to Foundever through a friend who invited me to a birthday party and almost all the people were associates of Foundever. A…

Hola Mi nombre es Claudia y trabajo en Foundever desde hace tres años en el área de Recursos Humanos y estoy verdaderamente feliz de interactuar con los agentes y desarrollar actividades para ellos y un…

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Brayan, estoy muy feliz de poder compartir con ustedes mi experiencia en Foundever. Fui referido por una amiga que ya trabajaba en la compañía y me compartió un poco sobre su…

Hi Everyone! My name is Maleja. This is my 5th year at Foundever and just as many of you, I started as an agent helping consumers in a technical support campaign. I thought this was…

Having joined the site in Plymouth in May 2018, providing essential customer service for the client at the time as an Agent for 16 months, I can say it was an experience to share with…

Hi, I'm Christopher Jordan. Since 14.03.2011, I am part of the Berlin HR team. Starting as a recruiter, I changed to the generalist area in March 2014. In June 2018, I decided to take a…

I would like to recognize my amazing team and staff here at Kingston Foundever. We have now been working from home for 3 weeks and it has been amazing to see how my agents have…

Allow me to share Rudy Monteiro's story, an associate from Foundever Porto: Before he went on vacation to South Africa, his home country, he didn't know the world would change. In a matter of weeks,…

Benoit Deconinck and Steffen Daabeck, 2 Ops Managers in Kingston who have done so much to support mobilising their teams to a Work From Home solution and then continued to come into the office every…

This is a different kind of story, at a different kind of time. None of us (unless we were around in 1918), have ever been through anything like this COVID-19 pandemic. Some may think it’s…

Hi, I am Stefan and I am a team manager located in Düsseldorf. When the Corona situation became a full-grown crisis in Germany, we (as in our operations managers) were already in discussions with our…

Already 12 years in the company. I started as an agent for technical support, working a few years in the IT Department and since 2016, I am in the role of the Data Security Officer…

Iniciar una nueva experiencia provoca un poco de temor y esto es normal. Instalar el equipo de trabajo ahora en casa y configurar todo para mantener las normas de seguridad para nuestro cliente es una…

Hey, my name is Vanessa. I am 31 years old. I've been with Foundever for 5 years and it has been a very exciting and developing time. I have been the HR Manager for Magdeburg…

Hi, I am Patrick from Foundever Krefeld. I joined Foundever a few years ago, worked as a Foundever at Home agent, before entering the Coach Growthpoint Program. A few weeks after my Coach certification I…

Each team has its own challenges that we have to face. For everyone, it is a different situation at home, one has the children dancing around him during customer meetings and the other colleague is…

Having recently started at Foundever, I've been amazed at the positivity and collective spirit in the business - even more so now that I am working from home. I have daily meetings and briefings with…

I have been part of the Foundever family for almost 8 years. I work as a Senior HR Generalist in Magdeburg and support the employees from the signing of the contract with advice and action.…

When the news is all doom and gloom, it’s hard for even the most optimistic among us to stay positive. It’s true that we need to take the virus seriously, but we also adapt our…

I had never anticipated how much COVID19 would impact us. Even at the beginning of March, I still thought that this would just be something like the seasonal flu and nothing would change dramatically. When…

Trust. Compassion. Stability. Hope. These are the four values that are most important to an employee when it comes to being guided. The entire global world of work is currently in a phase where this…

It has been very enjoyable and better than I ever envisaged starting #Plymouth in February 2019. Coming from a retail/manufacturing management background into front line customer services was a change of career for myself, and…

Mission accomplished! An empty call floor at 8 am on a Friday. Why? Because after some detailed, logistical planning and one or two long days of phone calls, printing and the inevitable stapling, myself and…

Hello, We are Karen, Vanessa, Theo and Anja and we want to show you a different #FoundeverHero perspective: We want to ensure Foundever Magdeburg maintains during this hard time and our goal is to successfully…

On 08.02.2009, my way led me to Foundever. Since then, I was allowed to experience incredibly great Foundever moments. Starting as a CSP, my path led me through many stations at Foundever. There is nothing…

When I started as an agent at Foundever almost 10 years ago, I just thought, oh God, I'm gonna get out of here fast. But when I had a private problem in my first half-year…

Throughout my professional experience, there was a department that I only remember the existence, when something went wrong - when I was facing an issue with my pc or was not able to access a…

En l'an 10, après la création du site, les collaborateurs eurent un étrange combat à mener. Personne ne savait vraiment d'où venait le danger ni la totalité des symptômes. La seule chose qu'il savait c'est…

The world does not stop! Foundever does not stand still! Find the new normal! Under these guiding principles, I would describe our current situation in the world. COVID-19 demands a flexible change from all of…

#FoundeverMAX ❗ The fact that Foundever has prioritized our state of wellbeing, safety and protection, inspired me to dedicate to the company and management this 3 part of "my story " #FoundeverWorkAtHome✌️ I strongly believe…

For the Social person that I am, I had never considered working remotely. For those who already know me, you can really tell that I am super outgoing and upbeat. I love interacting with people…

I joined Foundever Plymouth as a Team Manager in July 2019. I'm currently still working on Site in Plymouth. Myself, the other Team Managers and all areas of the business have been working tirelessly to…

All managers worked extremely hard to get everyone working from home during the Covid19 outbreak. Knowing how anxious I was about everything, they made sure everything was put in place to ensure I felt at…

I started at Foundever in January 2019 as a customer service advisor. Throughout my journey so far, I have had countless opportunities to upskill, learn and progress with my career, of which I have taken…

Llevo trabajando para Foundever un poco más de 2 años en esta última temporada, sin embargo, la primera vez que trabajé aquí fue en el año 2009, luego 2013, 2015 y regresé para quedarme en…

Desde que empezó la pandemia, he visto cómo el equipo de cada cuenta y de nuestro staff se empezó a preparar sin descanso, cómo empezaron a migrar la mayor parte de nuestra gente a sus…

The second part #FoundeverWorkAtHome ✌️#FoundeverHeroes For me is a new challenge because being out of the office means you are solely responsible for implementing, maintaining the work rhythm, discipline and get into a new mindset.…

Hello everybody! My story at Foundever may not be long, but it's very valuable to me. As you can also see in my picture, I have a problem finding a job at all. But true…

#Plymouth I have worked at the Plymouth centre for nearly two years now and have worked across many different departments in the business and made a lot of good friends whilst there. With the recent…

Hi Foundever family, what strange times we are living in, who would have predicted the changes and challenges of recent weeks? It’s easy to lose sight of the positives, but whether we acknowledge them or…

Just a day after I heard about the first case of COVID-19 in Germany, my local HR Manager told me to get ready to get into Work from Home in the next few days. At…

I feel part of the Foundever Family now, more than ever. Even though we're between a tough situation, we've managed somehow to keep growing and improving as days go by, and I love it. Mexico…

I guess these challenging days request challenging options. Home office for me was only an option on Fridays, after a long week, just to do some administrative stuff in comfy clothes, with no rush. I…

After spending a year down under in Australia, I came back to the Netherlands trying to decide where to go next. I found out about a work opportunity in Berlin, a project looking for Dutch…

Foundever has made an enormous step forward in many different areas in recent weeks. Also, and especially in Learning & Development, we are in the process of achieving what we (Germany) have actually planned for…

Connection is Key. Being a virtual employee since 2019 has been a blessing, but also part of an ongoing transition. I was very secure in the notion of preparing each morning to “go to work”.…

As social of a person as I am, I never thought I would ever adapt to working from home. I love interacting with people, and going to the site was always something I looked forward…

Hi All, I would like the opportunity to introduce myself. My Name is Kevin Deckers, of course, and I'm working at Foundever Eindhoven for almost 13 years now as Advance Technical Support Agent. I've enjoyed…

As a married couple, working together and living together can throw up some interesting challenges at the best of times. And we often comment that Foundever - with its People First culture - is probably…

I’ve been working at home for about a week and so far it’s great. Even when I’m hard at work, my family is always nearby and I can see my son whenever I wish. I…

Foundever is showing that they know how to adapt to any situation and now it is. My daughter who says that she is adapting to see me longer at home, changing the routine is a…

I have been working from home for a week now as have the other 2 guys in my team. I conduct planning calls with them twice a day so we can map out what the…

Currently working on the Plymouth site, it’s been inspiring to see how every single person has risen to the challenges of the last month. I work in recruitment and on the 2nd of March, we…

Adjusting to a new routine! That's the new normal and that's the change we all have to make! I am grateful to work for a company that takes care of us, protects us from COVID-19,…

I’ve been given the fantastic opportunity to work from home to help my work colleagues and my family. First of all, this has kept a solid structure in my home and work life. I’m managing…

Since COVID19 changed our lives, we all had to make adjustments. It is true that you appreciate what you HAD once you lose it. Our freedom, our social gatherings with friends and family: now, in…

I'm Heather and I've been moved to the work at home solution, which is enabling me to help make the office a safer working environment for my colleagues. I have daily calls with my team…

I share a rich history with the company. I bore witness to many good things and have overcome major obstacles as part of the greater collective. I have not experienced anything remotely close to what…

Working from home tips: How to find your new normal As more and more people are being asked to work from home, Rachel Rybicki, a remote working veteran, shares her own work from home tips…

A Foundever foi a minha primeira oportunidade de trabalhar numa grande multinacional. Aqui tive a oportunidade de desenvolver minha carreira, de poder contribuir muito e também ser recompensada por todo o meu esforço e dedicação,…

Je m’appelle Chloé et je côtoie Acticall puis Foundever depuis le milieu des années 2000 en tant que partenaire, cliente, supporter… et désormais directrice générale France depuis quelques petits mois. Je découvre ce projet de…

I come from a family where a strong work ethic is important; but so is having a good work/life balance. As a first-generation American citizen, I embraced that philosophy while pursuing my professional goals and…

My Foundever life story is a story of 12 years with the company. I started in 2008 as an agent on a multilingual campaign that was just being launched in Warsaw. I was a student…

My name is Anita Suell and this is my story. I came to Foundever in 2012 as an agent, and I was highly motivated to become more than an agent during my initial training. When…

During the time I graduated from college and got my bachelor's degree in Applied Statistics, I was extremely worried about looking for a company that would really accept my individuality. A company that would let…

Who would have thought that it was possible for a college graduate from a medical field to get into the call center industry and for a male-dominated Technical Support program back in 2004? This is…

Hi, my name is Le Willcott. I came to Foundever after a long career in sales to face the challenge of customer service. Straight away, the existing team were very approachable and helped me overcome…

When I was blessed with a family of my own, I always thought I'd end up holding off my profession and passion - mainly because I wanted to mostly focus on my daughter's first two…

Mon histoire avec Foundever commence tout juste puisque cela fait 6 mois que j'ai rejoint l'aventure ! Tout juste diplômée d'un Master en Gestion des Ressources Humaines à la Sorbonne, j'ai rejoint le groupe Foundever…

Minha jornada na Foundever começou no dia 07 de junho de 2013, tinha acabado de sair do meu emprego de auxiliar de dentista e preenchi um formulário em um site de vagas de emprego... Realizei…

My name is Valerie Hughes and I have been at Foundever for 13 years. I started November 6th, 2006, as an agent for an insurance company. I had never worked in a call center before,…

Hola, soy Esmeralda Mingo y tengo 53 años, 33 de los cuales, dedicados a esta compañía. He pasado por todos los puestos que tenemos desde agente –porque empecé cogiendo el teléfono para sacar dinero para…

It is my 5th year in Foundever and I am happy working in our Baguio site as it allows me to have work-life balance. I got to start my master's degree so I can upskill…

Journeys do not always begin or end the way you expect. As a working mother, very often, I was asked during an interview process if I was a mother and how I would rate my…

I started my journey in this company five years ago. I had recently graduated from college and I needed a part-time job to pay for my degree. This job was supposed to be temporary, but…

Hi, I am Luisa and this is my story. It was 2009, I was 24, an architecture student and I was going through big financial hardship in my family due to lack of jobs in…

My name is Neha, I joined Foundever Gurgaon in January 2018 as a Recruiter and so far, it's about great opportunities and challenges to work for different clients all over the globe. Foundever has helped…

Je m’appelle Marie, je suis en charge du recrutement au sein du site de La Rochelle (France). A ce titre, j’interviens tout au long du processus depuis la définition des besoins avec les responsables d’activités…

With Foundever, I have learned that there is no straight definition of a woman. Whether you're a parent who chooses not to bear a child or maybe challenged to have one; a strong, independent single…

Working Student Story. Sacrifice comes before success! Hi, I’m CJ! A student in the morning, IT in the evening. I want to inspire youth to have the courage to show up in many little ways.…

Hello, my name is Natalie Ubeda and this is my story: I started at Foundever in 2015 when I was 19 years old. What really motivated me to be part of this company was the…

I started as an agent on the phones at the Ocala site on September 9th, 2013. I never thought I would make a career from Foundever. I was just happy to be re-entering the workforce…

Pour des raisons de santé j 'ai dû changer de métier. Comme j'aimais le contact avec les personnes, et rendre service, j’ai décidé d'en faire un métier : conseillère clientèle relation à distance. J’ai intégré…

Hello, my name is Johana Mendoza. I am twenty-six years old and I started working at Foundever when I was just 18 years old. I remember that day I was told by someone that I…

My mom went through an unfortunate event, she lost her balance and fell, because of that she had to undergo hip replacement surgery ASAP to avoid further complications. Right after hearing that from the doctor,…

My name is Julie Bullock, and I am the Head of WFM for the UK and Ireland. My Foundever journey started back in 1995 when I joined a small independent call centre company of about…

I’m Delfa, and I started working at Foundever Nicaragua in November 2017 as a Customer Service Representative. This job has been an incredible blessing for me. As a part of MAX Insiders and MAX Social,…

My name is Kimberly Alejandra Hernández. I am 22 years old, and I studied at Universidad de Tec Milenio. I have been working at Foundever for around 4 years and 3 months. I started working…

I feel strongly that Foundever has helped strengthen and dignify women’s role in Colombia; granting spaces that not only empower women and men to grow, but also making sure all conditions, workloads, salaries, policies and…

My amazing journey with Foundever started on September 14th, 2015 (I remember the exact date because I fell in love right away), and it has been great since then. Being a Foundever associate allows you…

Me llamo Amina y llevo trabajando en Foundever un año. Soy de nacionalidad marroquí y toda mi trayectoria laboral en Marruecos ha sido relacionada con el turismo. Hace más de un año decidí cambiar mi…

Bientôt 13 ans à accompagner le développement des compétences de nos salariés. Tout d'abord en France en tant que Responsable développement RH et depuis 1 an en tant que Global Leadership & Development Manager. Ça…

My parents taught my 4 brothers and me how important it is to earn your own money. They raised me always to be strong and independent. I had my first job at 17 while still…

Hi, I'm Eliana Nemogá from Bogotá, Colombia. I'm 25 years old. I started my career at Foundever back in 2017. I'm graduated in International Business Management and I was looking for a job. I saw…

Hola, mi nombre es Patricia Gonzalez Giraldo, tengo 29 años, me encanta compartir mi historia en Foundever porque gracias a la oportunidad que me brindaron pude crecer en la empresa y hacer lo que amo.…

I started in Las Vegas in 2012, Foundever being my first job at a call center. I had had a variety of jobs, from cooking to construction to reproducing paintings, while going to school for…

#FoundeverMAX 💕 #InternationalWomensDay The working relationship is a long-term commitment and requires a lot of striving and dedication, but when you have a friendship with your colleague, everything at work and during work becomes much…

Yo empecé a trabajar en Foundever de casualidad y siendo una niña. Foundever fue casi mi primer trabajo –aparte de los típicos trabajos para sacar un poco de dinero mientras estaba estudiando - y empecé…

My name is Veronica Gregg, and I have been with Foundever for a little over 23 years. I started the year that Foundever San Angelo opened as an agent taking disconnect requests from the phone…

Hi, I am Rosemary and this is my story: I started working for Foundever at 18. I wanted the job because I really needed to be "independent," which until this day, I am. I was…

My name is Jessanne Kristel Flores. I joined Foundever Baguio on 9/4/2012 and I'm proud still be working for the same account now. I was pregnant when I was hired. I believed I would have…

Hi, my name is Dominic Cayab, but in the office, I’m fondly called ‘Kobe”, inspired by the late Black Mamba Kobe Bryant. Foundever gave me a lot of great opportunities four years ago - March…

Hi, My name is Omar, or you guys can call me Oms for short and I am 23 years old. I was studying to be a game programmer and designer, but as they say, winds…

Ich bin Katha und seit 2015 bei Foundever. Ich fing an als Agent und wurde kurze Zeit später Mentor, danach folgte der fachliche Ansprechpartner bis 2018 für 2 Jahre. 2018 dann konnte ich mich erneut…

Olá meu nome é Edilson dos Santos, muitos me chamam apenas "Ed". Nasci e cresci em São Paulo, porém minha mãe é de Maceió (praias lindas) e meu pai era de José Bonifácio (cidade Mineira).…

My name is Gergana and I am part of the EMEA Social Media Hub based in Sofia, Bulgaria. I joined Foundever in December 2018. I started as a Social Media Specialist, initially working with the…

My name is Rustom Calusa. I'm 18 years old. My Foundever journey started when I was 17 years old. I applied as a CSR, then I passed the application process, but they found out that…

Em fevereiro de 2007 a Foundever abriu as portas para o meu primeiro emprego com carteira assinada. Iniciei como Representante de Atendimento Jr. e logo nos primeiros 15 dias de atendimento na operação cheguei a…

A minha história na Foundever iniciou em Dezembro de 2010 onde recebi uma oportunidade de analista de suporte técnico, onde já me identifiquei desde o primeiro dia com essa empresa fantástica. Posso dizer que a…

Minha história com a Foundever começou muito antes de eu me tornar parte desta família. Eu trabalhei um longo período em um dos clientes que a Foundever prestava serviços, para a divisão em que eu…

Iniciei na Foundever em dezembro de 2018 e desde então sou apaixonada por essa empresa, que tantos momentos bons me proporcionou. Entrei em uma conta desafiadora e hoje me sinto gestora de um time coeso…

Une aventure qui commence en Août 2018 sur le Site de Cournon d'Auvergne en tant que conseillère client, j'intègre une des activités présente sur le site, l'énergie, un domaine intéressant et prenant de par sa…

In 2016, I had just finished my B.A. program and was working a job that I loved, but was looking for more. I had placed several applications, but nothing had really panned out. At my…

I’m Fatima El Adili. I joined sitel in 2018 and this is my 3rd professional experience or rather my 3rd challenge. Foundever, with its mix of culture, age, skills and its door wide open to…

My journey at Foundever began with a big challenge in 2013. Implement the first call center operation in Brazil by Acticall! I was hired as a coach and began to work at the site with…

I'm Luis Martinez. My first day of training was on 01/05/2015 and the site was nothing compared to what it is today. One of the main reasons for me staying here it's because the company…

So I've worked at Foundever for a little over two years. We moved to Tennessee and my husband could not find a job. So we went to several different job fairs. A recruiter at one…

Mahacine Laabidalla, Recruitment Specialist. I joined Foundever in 2015 thanks to my brother, and today I will tell you about my brother's battle against cancer. I remember that day very well in December 2018, it…

Déjà quatre ans que Foundever est entré dans ma vie. Mon histoire chez Foundever, c'est une histoire de résilience. Il y a quatre ans, pour des raisons personnelles, j'ai fait le choix de quitter un…

I am Ynass BENHAYOUN, 37 years of age, and I have worked for Foundever since 2014. My story began with an anecdote when we started introducing ourselves during the first day of training. I happened…

Bonjour à tous, Mon histoire commence simplement,une annonce en juillet 2014, un cdi à la clef, un cv et une lettre de motivation envoyé et me voilà par hasard chez Foundever. Pour combien de temps…

My name is Betsabe Sanchez and I’ve been in Foundever since January of 2008. It’s a funny story because I was accompanying a friend of mine that was applying. When we were here they offered…

My name is Angelina Casanova, I’m 25 years old and I started working at Foundever about 2 and a half years ago. I started working as an agent and took calls for 5 months. At…

My name is Vanessa Lopez, I’m 21 years old and I found out about Foundever due to an ad I saw on Instagram. I applied and they called me the next day for an interview.…

Hello! My name is Monica, I’m 27 years old and I’m currently studying my bachelor’s degree in psychology. I started working at Foundever in July of 2016. I’m currently working as a CSR, though I’ve…

My name is Bruno Lara, I’m 19 years old and I’ve been working at Foundever for 8 months now. My first goal when I started was to earn my own money and gain experience working…

Hello! My name is Mirsa Aquino and I’ve been part of the Foundever family since January 2017. I started my journey in Monterrey after college, moving in with my parents. I was unable to continue…

My name is Rene Gonzalez Moya, I’m 31 years old and I got to Foundever in July of 2009. Being my first call center, step by step, I started adapting to the working style and…

My name is David Gallardo, I’m 26 years old and I’ve been at Foundever for almost 3 years now. I’m an Industrial Engineer in Management, so many have asked me before why I’m working in…

Hi, my name is Katha and I am 33 years young. I joined Foundever in 2015 and work currently as a TM GP. I am looking forward to being a successful part of Max Insiders.…

Leaving my previous BPO company in Manila where I stayed for 6 years, my comfort zone, was one of the biggest decisions I made in my career. But little did I know that it will…

¡Hola Max Insider's! mi nombre es Fabiola Miranda, soy de Cajibio Cauca. Llegue a la ciudad de Cali con mi familia buscando nuevas oportunidades de empleo para mis padres y una mejor educación para mi…

¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Carol Valenzuela, tengo 23 años. Soy de la ciudad de Cali y debo decir que me encanta esta ciudad, tiene mucha vida y la gente es única. Asi como…

I am Jhonatan, a 33-year-old Colombian who became a citizen of the world by joining the customer service world. I am a new member of the Foundever Family (yes, you read it correctly FAMILY), but…

Dream big and work hard. I dreamed big. I started from the beginning arriving at achieving my dreams by making small steps, setting goals and taking risks. I always had that perception to do what…

My first shot at Foundever was a bummer. I went AWOL just months after getting hired. Despite what happened, I reapplied after 6 months and was hired once again. My determination to go back came…

I have been in the BPO industry for twelve years within Metro Manila, where I’ve grown from an Agent to become a Manager who has developed many people. For the first time in this life…

Truth is... the possibility to be great is empowered by our will. Truth is... the trust we build with our people as above so below is empowered by our modesty. Truth is... the belongingness to…

I joined Foundever at the end of July 2019. I met the company through a phone call for an interview. I didn't really remember where I had sent my CV, but after hearing the proposal,…

Approchez, approchez je vais vous raconter mon parcours. Je ne sais pas si il en vaut le détour. Mais il m'aura permis de découvrir une entreprise géniale. Je sais ce terme est loin d'être original…

Hallu, ich bin Bianca (noch 23) Jahre jung und arbeite seit 2017 bei Foundever in einem Projekt für Gesundheit. Ich komme gerne zur Arbeit, aber nicht nur wegen der Arbeit selbst, sondern weil ich hier…

My name is Saudy Hernandez and I’m 27 years old. I was born in Cuba and moved to Peru for 5 years, attended college there and graduated as an Audiovisual Communications professional, I’ve been living…

My journey at Foundever began back in 2015 – I got invited to an assessment center and didn’t know what to expect. I had no training, only the equivalent of a high school degree and…

In September, I celebrated my 3-year anniversary with Foundever. While I’ve only been with the company for three years, I’ve seen such drastic and transformative change occur within the organization (and with my own career!).…

Hi Everyone! I am Greg. At the age of 23, I started with Foundever as an agent and worked my way up as a Manager. From technical support, I got transferred to Customer Support and…

My name is Heather Gann and I'm 29 years old. I was raised in a very small town called Fayette, Alabama. I graduated high school in 2008; it wasn't just myself though. I graduated from…

Hallo 🙂 ich bin Çiğdem, 30 Jahre alt und seit 2014 bei SiTEL. Ich habe als Agent am Telefon für ein Projekt im Bereich Telekommunikation angefangen und bin in zwischen Learning Specialist für ein weiteres…

Hi, everyone! I’m coming from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, a beautiful small country in Eastern Europe. Here is my story J So, basically, everything started while I was chitchatting with my best friend. By…

My Foundever Story started almost four years ago, come May. I started at Foundever because my husband could no longer work. I had never worked in a call center before. I can remember the first…

Hey, my name is Denis and I am 22 years old. I study IT Engineering in Technical University of Sofia. I have been working in Foundever since 2018 as a Customer Care Representative. I love…

Hi, I’m Carina Passinhas and I joined Foundever 20 years ago. Today I would like to share my story with you:) When I joined Foundever I was 21, so I wasn’t expecting to find the…

Hi everyone! My name is Jeff. I am one of the PMO rock stars for Asia Pacific. I've been with Foundever for 13 years now and counting. My journey started way back in 2006 as…

A minha história na Foundever começou em 2008. Fui um dos convidados na época a continuar trabalhando no projeto e posso dizer, que aqui me encontrei desde o momento da integração. O perfil dinâmico da…

Bonjour à tous, Je suis Lucie et je fais partie de l'équipe de Foundever Pau depuis bientôt 3 ans. Et oui déjà, le temps passe si vite. Je suis arrivée en tant que conseillère clients…

In college, I began my career with Foundever under the impression that it would be a good part-time job to help me through my broke student days. I expected a paycheque, but what I didn’t…

"Wow" is the only word that I say at this time. My journey at Foundever started in March of 2016, moving back to San Angelo after being gone for 10 years. It was a rough…

After graduating, I decided to take Foundever's job offer and move to Bulgaria from Italy. I didn't know what to expect, but at Foundever, I felt engaged from day 1. Now, after more than 1…

A minha história no Grupo Foundever começa com a vinda da Acticall para o Brasil. Em 2014 fui convidada a integrar um grupo jovem, prestes a completar seu primeiro ano no país. Fui conquistada pela…

J'ai la chance d'avoir rejoint Foundever en 2014 à une période compliquée de ma vie. J'ai trouvé une entreprise qui a su me redonner confiance en moi en reconnaissant mon travail. J'aime la dimension humaine,…

Ich bin David und bin 35 Jahre jung und arbeite bei Foundever Krefeld. 2013 habe ich eine Anzeige bei einer Zeitung gelesen, die mich Irgendwie angesprungen ist. Ich hatte bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt ein negatives…

I started Foundever back in November 2016, and this will be coming up to my 3rd year. I started as an agent on the phones. I have been extremely anxious before starting as I never…

I have been with Foundever since April 1, 2013. The story I'd like to share is about opportunities and what can be accomplished when you have the confidence that someone on your team is always…

Recebi a ligação da diretora de RH do grupo Acticall, me convidando para participar do processo seletivo para uma vaga de gerente comercial Learning Tribes Brazil, enquanto eu estava subindo num avião do Brasil para…

I have been with Foundever for over 4 yrs. My family has gone through numerous physical trials that were life-threatening. My Foundever family has been my rock. They have encouraged me to keep going and…

While working on my campaign, a gentleman stationed at Ft. Campbell, US Army called. He came home from deployment and found his dryer not working. My father was at this very station years ago, automatically…

My best memory with Foundever thus far is the week of Father's Day hands down. My aunt passed a few days before Father's Day (my dad's sister). I won the contest thing for Father's Day,…

My best Foundever experience. I have not had a bad one. From the get-go of joining Foundever, I have felt like family and enjoyed coming to work. My best experience is with customers every day…

Escolhi trabalhar na Foundever em meados de março/2018. Ouvi falar bem da empresa e melhor ainda sobre a forma que a mesma trata seus colaboradores. Ouvi dizer também, que era uma empresa de muitas oportunidades…

Once upon a dreary afternoon of job hunting in Milford, Delaware, I met with a Foundever HR representative and was offered a position as an agent. Six years ago, this adventure began for me taking…

In 2015; from working in customer service jobs, I found my hobby in martial arts. I started to look forward to a better future, which once by chance I was just in a break from…

I originally applied for a job at Foundever because we had a long summer and I wanted to save up for the next semester. When I was accepted, I kept on thinking that I would…

I believe that everything happens for a reason. My name is Steve, and this is my story. It was April 2012 and I had just gone through several events in the previous 3 years, which…

My journey at Foundever started one day in 2016. I was sitting in the reception, waiting for my interview. I was super nervous, but also very surprised with all the joy and friendship between the…

Summer 2011 was one of the most pivotal moments in my life when I had to finally leave the Engineering and Hospitality Industry. Coming home was a major scare because of being a "Rainbow Person".…

Hallo, ich bin Stefan, 39 Jahre alt. Bereits vor einigen Jahren war ich Teil des Foundever Teams, damals in Krefeld. Nach einigen Jahren "Abstinenz", und Erfahrungen in anderen Company`s hat es mich nun wieder zurück…

During my college days, I met Tori in one of the drinking sessions I attended and with full confidence, I told her that I would not work in a BPO Company. I ate my own…

When I joined Foundever Baguio three years ago, I was actually at a crossroads. My father has been "requesting" me to focus on our family business as opposed to continuing my career in the corporate…

Well, it all started from my lack of confidence and a farrago of mishappenings I faced before I reached this beautiful country because my life was filled with unanswered conundrums. And it did burn me…

Hi, I'm Paulina, but everyone calls me Pixi. Now I'm a Team Manager in Foundever Warsaw. My journey here was very unexpected. The fact that right now I'm in this position is still kinda unbelievable…

Life is generally a blessing and one should take every single opportunity to grow, learn and get better. I am this way. I have always tried to tune my perception in a positive way so…

Entrei para a Foundever em 2003, como analista de 1º nível na extinta operação Vésper e sendo logo em seguida transferido para a operação Philips, onde atuei por muitos anos. Dos meus primeiros dias nas…

Hi! My name is Bryan. I’ve been with Foundever for 9+ years now. Let me tell you my Foundever story. I started as an aspiring BPO employee in 2008 when I joined Foundever to support…

I have worked at Foundever for nearly two years. I have gained so much experience and it has given me confidence and friends. It's been a great place to work at and I'm happy to…

Hi, ich bin Markus Burghaus und habe Foundever das erste mal 2007 in Krefeld als Agent im Telekommunikationsbereich kennengelernt. Hier bei Foundever habe ich die Chance erhalten mich weiterzuentwickeln und arbeite heute als TM in…

Hi Foundever family!!! I am Michelle Aguilar. My name was derived from a hit song of one of the most popular bands in history, "The Beatles". I currently work at Foundever Baguio, Philippines. I was…

February 2016, after 3 years of travels, moving from one place to another, I finally found my way back home, to for the first time set my feet on Foundever ground. I won't lie; it…

In 2010, I was in my final year of college doing my Bachelor in Secondary Education when I learned about Foundever and was inspired by my brother, who was an agent. I took a challenge…

Hi, My name is Damien, and I'm 34 years old. After eight years of working in the customer service industry in Ireland as a project manager, I decided to quit my job and travel around…

Il y a 9 ans tout pile j’intégre Foundever avec l ouverture du Site de Cournon. Je débute sur un poste de conseiller client . Ensuite j’évolue pour 3 belles années comme formatrice. J’ai eu…

Hello there! Let's start with a fun fact: my real name is Jorge, but everyone calls me George, and I got used to it (eventually). Now on to the good part, my #FoundeverLife experience started…

Hey there! My name is Mireia, and I'm 27 years old. I'm from a city near Barcelona, Spain, but I work in Foundever Porto. I joined the company barely one year ago, in October 2018.…

Hi, my name is Jess, and my story begins back in 2013 when I moved to Kentucky after getting married. I had been a nurse for 17 years and decided that maybe it was time…

I joined Foundever in 2009, and a few months ago, I celebrated my 10th anniversary! Wow! Back then, I didn't even think I would stay so long and I will want even more. Starting my…

Mi historia en Foundever comenzó hace 13 años, no tenía aún 30 años y venía del mundo de los emprendedores. Por diferentes motivos, cambié mi rumbo y conocí a Foundever. Empecé como teleopradora en un…

Hey Team, I am Dennis from Germany and I do work for the german finance Team in our Site in Krefeld. I have been working for Foundever since July of 2016. Before joining Foundever, I…

My name is Richard Bilog, 27 years old and I have been with the Foundever Philippines for the past 7 years. I started as a customer service representative in 2012. I was still enrolled in…

Hi, my name is Alex. About 10 years ago, I moved from my hometown Hameln (Story of the pied piper) to Berlin. Foundever was my 2nd contact center job as an agent, which was very…

I joined Foundever in January of 2018. I love my work family and enjoy that every day is different. I am married to my best friend and have been for 25 years, and we have…

My journey at Foundever started last April. I feel, however, it started before. Let's say it began as a journey to Foundever. My academic background is in Philosophy, and my professional background is in car…

Hey folks, my name is Sarath Priyan. My age is 23 and I'm from Chennai. I joined Foundever in April 2019 as a customer service professional and I have been a part of Foundever for…

My name is Nithyanantham Shanmugam, as a foreigner, it's a little more challenging and interesting. It's been about 2.5 years since I had the opportunity to be part of one of the largest successful projects.…

Where to start? I started working for Foundever in July of 2017 and straight away I knew this was a company I was going to stay with. The support I was given through training and…

Estou há pouco mais de 4 meses na Foundever, talvez muita gente pense que ainda é pouco tempo para estar aqui escrevendo a minha história. Mas, queria compartilhar algumas coisas com vocês. Trabalho no segmento…

Pour moi, tout commence en 2010 sur le site de Cournon d’Auvergne fraîchement créé, avec mon intégration comme conseiller client au sein d’une activité de téléphonie mobile. J’ai trouvé rapidement mes marques et fait de…

Bonjour je m'appelle Mathias. J'ai intégré le groupe Acticall/Foundever en juin 2013 en tant que conseiller client pour l'acteur historique du marché de l'électricité en France. Comme beaucoup de conseiller cet emploi était pour moi…

On rentre souvent par hasard dans les centres de contact, on y reste quand on aime la diversité, l’engagement, la réactivité, l’adaptabilité. Entré en tant que conseiller technique il y a 15 ans, j’ai évolué…

Mon histoire avec Foundever a commencé il y a trois ans. J’ai pu faire la découverte de cette entreprise lors du forum de l’emploi de notre ville. Depuis mes jobs étudiants, la relation clientèle a…

Hey, my name is Priscila Moran. I am 22 years old and I am from Cali, Colombia. I learned English in Tampa, Florida. My family decided to move there when I was 7 years old,…

I started at Foundever on September 10, 2018. When I started, I did not know anybody here. I have always worked customer service, but until this point, it was in a restaurant setting. Once I…

I joined Foundever in November 2017 at The Ship - Spirit of Enterprise in Plymouth, an absolutely gorgeous building based on HMS Ark Royal, equidistant between the phenomenally haunting Dartmoor and the ever-changing, yet famously…

My name is Luis. I'm 34 years old. I am from Cali, I grew up in this city and I live in the northern part of the city. I used to be really shy, but…

I have been with Foundever since the summer of 2017. I started as an English teacher and consultant in a campaign for mobile devices. I can frankly say this was the best job experience I've…

My Foundever story began on the 26th of November 2018, and since then, every single day, it feels like an adventure. No matter how hard some days might be, there is always that one thing…

Comecei na Foundever em março de 2018! Retomando a carreira após me dedicar dois anos e meio à primeira infância de minha única filha. Geógrafa de formação, atuei como professora por 4 anos, no início…

Que de souvernirs et de rencontres en si peu de temps ! J'ai intégré Foundever il y a un peu plus d'un an, en temps que conseiller client puis Team Leader, pour l'un des plus…

Foundever & moi!! On partage notre vie depuis bientôt 10 ans. 10 longues années qui au final sont passées à la vitesse de l'éclair... J'ai commencé ma carrière chez Foundever en tant qu'hôtesse d'accueil sur…

My story probably starts at art college studying for a fine art degree in Exeter. This expression-ate form of communications allowed me hours of throwing paint around and pushing brushes to create abstract landscapes as…

My name is Adrian Lopez. I am 22 years old and I've been part of the Foundever family since December 3, 2017. Before applying at Foundever I worked for a small serigraphy business; however, my…

I pretty much started at Foundever right after high school. Foundever has been my career, not just my job. I've taken calls in all sorts of campaigns and have enjoyed the knowledge I've gained. Foundever…

Je m’appelle Florence et je vais vous raconter mon histoire.. J’ai tout d’abord fait 5 années d’étude supérieure durant lesquelles j’ai pu étudier le management et ses grandes théories mais aussi le marketing stratégique.. J’ai…

J’ai intégré la Société Acticall en juin 2007 à Tarbes en tant que Superviseur après avoir directement travaillé dans un centre interne de ce client. Je suis resté 3 ans à Tarbes avant d’arriver sur…

I started working for Foundever in 2009, and the first thing I remember was that everyone was so lovely and welcoming! I started as an agent on the phones. I was an agent for several…

Hello, my name is Andrea and I started working for Foundever in 2017. Before I started at Foundever, I worked for a local fruit and vegetable wholesale company, in their retail shop. After working there…

My journey at Foundever started less than a year ago. I started in December 2018 as a Customer Service Agent. Since day one, this company has given me proof that they care about the people.…

I am Angela Dias; I started working at Foundever in the 2nd half of 2015 as Central Purchasing Officer in Global Procurement Team at Mumbai, India. When my journey started in Foundever, there were Leadership…

Currently live in Elkhorn, NE Happily Married with three kids and three dogs Favorite place to travel is anywhere on a beach with sun! Loves shopping, watching Husker Football, highschool events with the kids, and…

The thing that brought me to Foundever was my mother-in-law. After spending my teenage years in the Beauty business, I thought it was time for a change. I came to Foundever as an agent and…

Hello, my name is Justo González; I am 29 years old and a Graphic Designer. My previous job was on national TV in technical and editorial areas for seven years. My life changed a lot…

My name is Jacqueline Thomas. I am currently an Operations Manager for Foundever. I am from Corning, NY. I started my Foundever career in Corning then moved to San Angelo, Texas. I have worked with…

My Foundever story started almost six years ago. I had recently got married and was coming from a job that was not giving me an opportunity to grow outside of the current role. I was…

My name is Luis Caparro. I am 23 years old; it's been less than a year since I joined Foundever. I'm proud to say that this is my family. I used to work at McDonald's…

My name is Warner Wilson. I am 28 years old and I am from Bluefields. I have been with Foundever for eight months, and I am so grateful to be here as part of the…

When Foundever says, "We care about our associates", they mean it. Hi, my name is Raul Quintero, and I have been working for Foundever for about seven years. The best experience that I have lived…

Hello, my name is Jorge Jimenez, and I’m 24 years old. I started my journey at Foundever in 2018. I’m excited to be a part of this amazing company. Before I started working at Foundever,…

Hi, my name is Johanna Toledo. I am 21 years old, I’ve been part of the Foundever family since 2016 and throughout all this time, it’s been such an amazing experience. My voice counts and…

Hi everyone! My name is Jelena. I have been part of the Foundever family since November 2013. I am an agent responsible for the French line. During my tenure as an agent, I have acquired…

Hi, my name is Martha Vega. I am happy to say that I joined Foundever on February 4th, 2018. Foundever makes me feel comfortable and at the same time, pushes me to be the best…

Holà ! Je suis Ana, et voici mon histoire !! Je suis arrivée il y a peu de temps à Foundever, en réalité cela ne fait même pas encore un an et tellement de choses…

My journey with Foundever started 12 years ago. Foundever is my first job, I started with the intention of paying my university and then move into another field, but this industry caught me. I was…

I started my career at Foundever in September of 2010 on the phones as a customer service agent in the Corning, NY site location. I was an agent for about three years before I was…

My journey with Foundever started in October of 2011 as a CSP. I had decided to stay with the company for not more than six months. My recruiter was so friendly and made me understand…

My name is Oliver Pinto. I'm 43 years old, and I joined Foundever two years ago as a Team Leader. It has been a wonderful and exciting journey with a great team and wonderful colleagues.…

In November 2015, I left Foundever to pursue alternative job opportunities. At the time, I believed this to be something I wanted for my professional development and career. However, in August of 2018 - after…

Hello everyone! My story in Foundever started less than 2 years ago when the company changed the Commercial Department in Spain. So here I am, working hard in order to win new clients for our…

Me llamo Merche, soy apasionada de la naturaleza y amante de plantas y animales. Tengo la suerte de compartir afición con mi marido y mis dos hijos así que mi tiempo de ocio es casi…

I started with the company in 2006. I remember that I enrolled in a computer school to learn basic troubleshooting steps like understanding what is a mouse, a monitor, what do we mean by cables…

What I love about Foundever is that once you're hired, you're greeted with a plethora of benefits—not just financially, but career-wise and personally as well. Especially for those who perform magnificently! I've been with Foundever…

Hi! My name is Paige Kates. I am an Operation Manager Apprentice. I have been in my role for one year, and have been with Foundever for four years. I came to Foundever, thinking that…

My name is Waldo Hernandez. I'm 27 years old and I joined the Foundever family in March of 2017. I began being part of the FLIP program; then I got the chance to apply for…

I came to Foundever, unaware of what it meant to work at a center for telecommunication. I was quick to realize I was getting paid to talk - something that tends to come very natural…

“You’ll be back” is what I was told the first time I left Foundever in a round of redundancies. After leaving, I went waitressed for nine months. During this time, I found out one thing…

-A world of opportunities- Hello! My name is Humberto Jarquin, I’m 26 years old and I have been a part of the Foundever Family in Nicaragua for five years. Back in August of 2014, I…

Hi everyone! My name is Maria del Mar Molina, also known as Maria Molina but my close friends call me Mar. I was born and raised in Foundever - Nicaragua, started when I was 19…

I joined Foundever on March 20th of 2017. I was 18 years old, and all of my plans for after high school had failed miserably. I remember a co-worker telling me about a friend that…

Hi! I'm Shan and I have been with Foundever Philippines for 12 years now. I was hired as a Communications Coach for one of the technical accounts in Baguio in 2007. Back then, moving to…

I joined Foundever May of 2019 and that is the best decision I ever made. I was 20 years old then, a high school graduate. The OM who interviewed me asked me where I see…

1ere expérience professionnelle , le centre d'appel Monétique en 1982 à l'époque on l'appelait Centre Carte Bleue. J'ai évoluée au sein de ce service , en faisant un peu de formation , puis le service…

Hellooo everyone! My name is Vanessa. I'm from Managua, Nicaragua and I'm 31 years old. I've been part of the Foundever family for almost ten months now and the journey has been amazing. I worked…

My journey in Foundever started a few months back when a friend suggested I join the company she had been working for. I had been living abroad for a while and was a bit anxious…

I have never worked in a company, not even for an internship. It has been almost two years now that I started working with Foundever, February 2018, to be exact. And I had no idea…

5ans 1/2 3 ans de conquête riches et intenses pendant lesquelles j'ai relevé le défi de répondre aux attentes des marques à travers les appels d'offres pour de nombreux sites France-Afrique. Travailler tous ensemble pour…

Mon histoire avec Acticall commence en 2012 Je suis embauchée en tant que consultante en relation client, pour le 1er opérateur télécom 100% digital. Je pense qu'il s'agissait du premier contrat signé par The Social…

Première bougie soufflée au sein du SRC en octobre 2019 ! Responsable de Comptes, je suis arrivé en poste pendant la fusion Acticall / Foundever. La dimension innovante du groupe et centrée sur l'humain, m'ont…

Bonjour, Je suis arrivée chez Foundever en juin 2019. Jai pu découvrir le métier de conseillère que je ne connaissais pas du tout. J'ai appris beaucoup depuis que je suis arrivée. Je suis heureuse d'intégrer…

Bonjour les MAX, Mon histoire dans l'entreprise a démarré il y a 11 ans du temps d'ACTICALL, sur le Site de Blois qui à l'époque était vieillissant , quasi mono client . Et depuis me…

Je suis arrivée en janvier 2017 en tant que consultante avant-vente à la Conquête. J’ai pu connaitre l’ADN d’Acticall puis celui de Foundever, 2 ADNs différents mais très complémentaires ! Au quotidien, ce qui m'anime…

J’ai intégré Foundever en Février 2003, après une première expérience dans la Relation Client. Arrivé en tant que Formateur grâce à mon savoir technique, j’ai très rapidement eu l’opportunité de sortir de ma zone de…

Arrivé en 2012 chez Foundever au sein du service qualité et toujours là ! Chaque journée est différente: on ne sait jamais à l’avance ce qu’il va arriver ! J’ai essayé la boule de cristal,…

My story a débuté avec Foundever il y a 3 ans ! Que d'aventures et de km parcourus 😉 Directrice de Compte, je suis restée fidèle à mon client préféré, pour découvrir de nouveaux métiers…

Cela fait maintenant 6 ans que je suis chez Foundever, j’occupe le poste de CTO (Directeur Technique) chez TSC Je suis en charge avec mes équipes de l'intégration de tous les projets technique au sein…

Hi, my name is Fabiola Medrano. I'm 21 years old, and I'm from Nicaragua. I never thought that I would become part of a great company like Foundever. I remember when I finished high school,…

Greetings! My name is Delfa. I know it may sound like a strange name, but I think it is an original name! I started working at Foundever-Nicaragua in November of 2017 as a Customer Service…

I have been working at Foundever for one of the most amazing coffee brands for more than a year. I joined Foundever for a temporary job, but since the beginning, it has been a very…

My story begins back in 2008, when I was hired as a Customer Service Representative. My days in the Real Estate Business were not helping me much at that time. Never did I think this…

Hello Foundever worldwide. My name is Carlos. I was born in Nicaragua and I am 26 years old. While looking for a job in Nicaragua, I was encouraged by a friend to apply for Foundever…

Hi, wonderful people! My name is Luigi, I am Italian and I have lived in Serbia for six years now. I have been part of the Foundever family since July 2014. Wow already five years,…

Hi guys! My name is Wilmer and I've been part of Foundever for almost one and a half years. Before joining, there were a lot of people telling me I was not able to achieve…

My name is Carlos and I work in the Foundever Miami Office. My journey started with Foundever three years ago during the many changes and restructuring Foundever was going through. The office in Miami was…

When I was 18 years old (2007), my father told me that I had to find a job, so I launched that amazing trip. In the beginning, it was frustrating because all companies requested a…

My Foundever story started in February of 2000 when I was still a student, very young with little experience. I heard the call center was hiring and applied with a few friends. Although the training…

Hello Foundever worldwide 🙂 My name is Carlos, I was born in Germany and I´m 22 years old. While looking for a job in Germany, I encountered the job offer from Foundever and two weeks…

I was in a relationship with a different BPO company. I was very happy at the time and we had been together for more than three years. Unfortunately, something happened. I was very disappointed with…

This is not the first time I share my story on how I joined Foundever, and this is because, interestingly enough, it was really a matter of fate. First, I have to say that I…

I started working at Foundever in September of 2016 as a Customer Support Agent. I was excited, and it was my first "real" job. I wanted to work in an established company. The interviews were…

I started working at Foundever back in December of 2006 as CSP for a big German internet & phone company. Back in the days, I was only 19 years old (today I'm 32), and it…

It's been almost one year now since I joined Foundever Tarlac. My stay here taught me a lot of experiences that will help me grow as a career person and as an individual. It taught…

Hi Everyone, My name is Hugo Silva and journey with Foundever started a long time ago. It makes me proud to say that I started working here on January 19th, 2004, as an agent…

Foundever était mon partenaire quand je travaillais pour une chaine de télévision... et maintenant Foundever est devenu mon employeur depuis bientôt 2 ans déjà ! J'y suis Directeur de Compte en charge principalement des activités…

It's been less than a year since I've joined Foundever. Before that, I was looking for a job that had an established system that I could rely on and a healthy community. This is because…

I officially joined Foundever back in January of 2015. However, my story at Foundever didn't start at that time because I was part of this family even way before getting hired. I spent some weeks…

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop” Confucius. I joined Foundever 2 years ago today and it’s been a nice experience. When I first applied, it was…

My name is Kevin Guerrero. I'm 26 years old and I joined the Foundever family four years ago. I actually started in the FLIP program, and afterward, I was given the amazing opportunity to apply…

Everyone is given an opportunity to try out their luck in the BPO industry in an attempt to start their career. Several can pass the initial screening, assessments and sets of interviews, but even fewer…

Bonjour, Je suis arrivé chez Foundever en décembre 2016 sur l'activité Mutuelle. J'ai pu avoir la chance de découvrir d'autres horizons avec mon arrivée sur une autre campagne. Depuis Mai 2019, j'ai souhaité intégrer un…

Bonjour, Je suis rentrée le 7 janvier 2013 j'ai commencé par le front office, j'étais tutrice de 2 contrats pro, j'ai évolué en back office puis team manager. Aujourd'hui je suis enchantée de travailler chez…

Je suis Delphine, j'ai intégré l'entreprise en 2000, sous SNT, en tant que Conseillère Clientèle après avoir obtenu un DESS juriste d'entreprise. Je me suis éclatée sur le métier de conseiller pendant une année sur…

Before going in for my interview, my landlord told me they were going to be selling the house, my car was about to be repossessed, my phone about to be turned off and I had…

When I applied at Foundever, I didn't really have a plan to work for long. My plan was just to part-time while waiting for my employment visa. I didn't think this was a job that…

My name is Denitra. I started at Foundever last year, on July 9th, to be exact. I started on a temporary campaign and at the time, I just needed a job to get by. Little…

Hi, this is QA Mary and this is my story. I was 18 years old when I started working at Foundever. My ultimate goal during that time was to get a job so that I…

I started with Foundever in November of 2019, but the journey that brought me here would start many, many years before that. I originally started in IT work, which brought me to a very long…

Today marks exactly my second year at Foundever. I never thought that I would work that long here. I started to work here while studying for my master's to have additional income. Then I realized…

Today is a special day in my career, the 8th of October is the day I joined the Foundever Family. Foundever is the 4th call center in my career. I have completed a whopping 12…

My BPO/HMO story began in the year 2015 while I was a public servant as Barangay Kagawad of Maipalig. I was invited to represent our Barangay in Ilocos Norte to attend the Family Day held…

Where do I start? I was born and raised in Malaysia and working as a sales agent for Foundever was my first job experience since arriving in the United Kingdom in March 2018. English is…

I am doing my studies [Aerospace Engineering] at Warsaw University of Technology. A world-class university with a famous historical background in terms of technical studies. I came to Poland three and a half years ago.…

Hi All, I'm Kevin from the Netherlands. I'm 32 years old and come from a City called Breda. My hobbies are football, also playing football and keeping my general IT knowledge on point. So I…

After a short spell working in the petrochemical industry, obtaining a degree in Chemical Engineering, my career took a change in direction when I joined the Management Programme. After a couple of takeovers, I spent…

Hi, I am Naomi. I am 34 years old and a member of the UK HR team. My route into HR has not been a conventional one. I trained as a Forensic Archaeologist and my…

One thing that always impressed me and encouraged me to Giraffe a user is when they reported that a loved one, unfortunately, had passed away and they couldn't make their reservations. I've always thought, "Jesus,…

My name is Karen Collado and I have been working since I was 17 years old. I started as a teacher, followed by a customer service representative and sales executive. I began with Foundever after…

I never thought that I would ever work in a contact center, but due to the circumstances of life, I had to change my job. In the beginning, it was not easy. It was a…

I applied for Foundever after only having one other job previously, which was in a hair salon. I didn't think that I had enough experience, but after the telecreening and interview, I joined Foundever on…

Greetings from Foundever Sofia, Bulgaria 🙂 My name is Simona and originally, I'm from Romania. I have been working for Foundever since 2008. Foundever appeared in my life in a delicate period for me. Despite…

My story began 15 years ago, Wow! I had no idea it would turn into an awesome journey! I needed a job as we had just moved back to San Angelo, Texas. I started on…

I joined Foundever in 2012, solely looking for a job that provided stable hours and benefits while I finished school. I started my time off as a Tech Support Agent, thinking it was just like…

Hey everyone! My name is Gabriel Flores, and I currently live in Columbus, MS. I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. So when I went to college, I was expecting to…

"A Place Where People Care" - A truthful statement for Foundever. I joined Foundever back in 2015 as a Level 1 associate. During the course, there were many things that I learned from my mentors,…

Let me tell you about my amazing journey at Foundever. I joined the company in 2001. Yes, 19 years ago! A life, right? I started as a Technical Support Agent, did Mentoring, Training, Quality -…

Life is too beautiful just to wake up and go to work and pay the bills. Wait...I have read that phrase somewhere else! My name is Javiera Mercado and this exactly how I felt when…

After working in Large Retail Management and Development and Finance for years, I decided to try something new. I had clients who worked at Foundever, and they talked about the culture of appreciation and empowerment.…

I have been with Foundever for seven years. I started as an agent on the phone and then became a mentor. I later became a CTT and then became a certified coach. I also have…

Hello everyone. December the 3rd 2017, was when my journey at Foundever started. I was wave 7 for a new campaign in Foundever Nicaragua and we were just a small group of people willing to…

I started as an agent at Foundever Nicaragua when I was 18. I went in and applied because I wanted to test my English skills! After I was told the salary, I decided to stay…

Je suis Eddy, responsable qualité et formation pour le site de Troyes (France) Mon histoire dans le groupe Foundever a commencé en 2003. Après une année de formation dans le cadre d’une reconversion professionnelle, je…

My name is Julius Dio Meredor. I’ve been living in Tarlac for 29 years and graduated here as a teacher. Growing up with a passion for computers, I applied to work in this industry. I…

This is by far the best job I’ve ever had. I enjoy coming in to work each and every day; most people will never be able to say that about their job, but I definitely…

My history with Foundever started back in 2001. The company I worked for back in New Zealand needed Contact Center support, and Foundever was chosen to support us. Over six years, we went from 130…

Bonjour à tous les Insiders... Je veux simplement via ce message, témoigner toute ma gratitude et mon respect pour Foundever. Chez Foundever, depuis 10 ans, j'ai pu participer à différents projets. Les projets collaboratifs comme…

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